OK here she is


Trusted Member
Same here, its my favorite one too. You can see part of it on my lower neck when I dont wear a shirt with a collar, which is almost always.
Its fun when women ask to see the rest of it...........11
how do they react when you tell them it goes down past your glutes and stops at your testicles? :D


New member
I like the tattoo ideas you have.. Good spots for chicks. I'll tell you though about getting them on your back.. You'll never be able to see it. Only your boyfriend and the people at the pool will be able to see it.. I have one in the middle of my upper back between my shoulders and I always forget about it unless I'm at the lake or the pool and someone comments on it...

I guess my advice is this, if it's something you're going to want to look at or see regularly you might want to avoid your back as you can only look at it with two mirrors.. kind of a pain in the ass..

I love mine though.. they all mean something to me.. that's the important part.

Im the same way......all my tatts I can see...and I have about 20......I want to see the ink I had done.....dont really care to have anything done on my back that I cant see....and as phreezer said they all mean something to me.....