Recent content by Strateg0s

  1. Strateg0s

    Hallelujah! Stop the presses! News Flash! Headline: Baseball players use steroids!

    Hallelujah! Stop the presses! News Flash! Headline: Baseball players use steroids! Hallelujah! Stop the presses! News Flash! Headline: "Baseball players use steroids!" By BOB BARR Published on: 12/19/07
  2. Strateg0s


    Think Speech by Charlton Heston at Harvard Editor's Note: Charlton Heston addressed the topic 'Winning the Cultural War' at the Harvard Law School Forum, February 16, 1999. Here is the text of that speech: I remember my son when he was 5, explaining to his kindergarten class what his father...
  3. Strateg0s

    This is pathetic

    This is pathetic Narcotics Officer of the Year indicted on drug charges Good thing - for heroin dealers - this evil cop is off the streets, I guess. 1000 dbols? If they are 5mg tablets, that's 5 grams of dbol. Or for someone doing 50mg a day, that's 14 weeks worth. "We are proud to have...
  4. Strateg0s

    Mr.Olympia 2007 Results

    Mr.Olympia 2007 Results 1. Jay 2. Victor 3. Dexter 4. Ronnie 5. Wolf 6. Melvin 7. Silvio 8. Gustavo 9. Johnny Jackson 10. David Henry Politics bumped Jay and Ronnie up, IMO, but that was no surprise.
  5. Strateg0s

    Testing gear - how to + tips

    Testing gear - how to + tips Directly from SRCS themselves Thanks to Krzna for posting this up on SurpassGenetics. Now for my own bit: There's a way to save a bunch of money on these tests. IF it is done right, we can test a lot more products for the same money. How? Note that SRCS charges...
  6. Strateg0s


  7. Strateg0s

    Subcutaneous Test-E Injections Study

    Subcutaneous Test-E Injections Study This is pretty interesting. The going advice is that sub-q injections have a lot of potential for causing abcesses. I'll try to track down the full text, and think through whether this has any potential for our purposes. For instance, if the steroid...
  8. Strateg0s

    What You Need to Succeed

    What You Need to Succeed What You Need to Succeed by Iron Addict
  9. Strateg0s

    1-Testosterone/DHB Profile

    1-Testosterone/DHB Profile 1-test-cyp is simply a fantastic product, it is really a shame that sources don't carry it. It is something of a super-primobolan, with significant and very lean gains. Twice as anabolic as prop, while equally androgenic. 1-test has many of the better effects of tren...
  10. Strateg0s

    Filtration - lab wallet math, a heads up

    Filtration - lab wallet math, a heads up Syringe filters: $3-4/100ml :confused: ..... 25mm diameter, PVDF -- Hydrophilic, all-purpose. Doing a little? This is fine. Membrane Disc Filters: <$1/500ml :) ..... 47mm diameter, PTFE (teflon) -- great for everything NON-aqueous. + a plastic...
  11. Strateg0s

    Strateg0s checking in

    Strateg0s checking in Signed up on Muscleup's advice. Looks like the beginnings of a very good board from what I see.