

Trusted Member

Tried YOGA for the first time last night at Golds. Shit kicked my ass, felt like a little bitch my thighs were shaking like a baby! All in all I was pretty impressed with the routine, Def try it again!

ian smith

Trusted Member
I tried a yoga class a couple years ago at my Gym,, Couldnt keep up, kept staring at all the hot womens feet.. Got a bit of a foot fetish..


Trusted Member
Ummmmm, I do it everyday...I get out of bed and do the crouching tiger hidden dragon effect ;)


Trusted Member
stretching is actually the best exercising that one can do for your body imo. yoga of course incorporates strength moves also which makes it that much better than just stretching. i always start my morning routine stretching all muscle groups thoroughly before any cardio and or resistance training. i have never done yoga, but i end my day with stretching and tai chi, or meditation in motion as some like to refer to it as. i personally prefer tai chi because first and for most it is a martial art, and the breathing done with the postures is incredibly relaxing as well.