The Mental Side of Dieting – Part 2


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The Mental Side of Dieting – Part 2

By S.L. Gillespie.

In the first part of this article series I covered the simple basics on the inner workings of the conscious and subconscious mind so you could understand how you ‘program’ yourself for either dieting success or failure. How you talk to yourself and how you represent the dreaded ‘D’ word to yourself sets up your experience of the dieting game.

Of course if it were just a matter of talking nicely to ourselves everyone would weigh what they wanted to right? There are additional aspects that must be addressed if one is to overcome any or all of the challenges losing extra bodyfat brings.

Although the subconscious records and stores every word you think, say, or hear, the emotion that accompanies the thoughts, words, and actions determine how deeply the thought is embedded in the mind. I will go back here a bit so I can go forward with this concept.

Every ‘thought’ creates a neural pathway in the brain. The more you think one specific thought, the stronger the neural pathway becomes. An easy way to picture this is to consider a path that is worn in the grass in your backyard e.g. from your dog running back and forth chasing that damn squirrel he is NEVER going to catch. The path becomes ‘permanent’ in your back yard and remains for years unless specific action is taken. In your brain you actually benefit (in some cases) from the neural pathway becoming strong and ‘permanent’ (and I’m using the word permanent here for just a moment to explain this concept as a neural pathway can and will weaken once it is no longer used), as this allows us to do things automatically and without really thinking about them – like driving for example.

Once you have mastered the techniques then you can drive literally on ‘auto pilot’ since the neural pathways that are used while learning to drive have been used enough that they have now become deeply ingrained in your subconscious mind. Have you ever had the experience of leaving work and then suddenly you’re at home with little recollection of the drive? That is a result of your subconscious programming operating from its well-worn neural pathways. The bad news is that these well-worn neural pathways can also show up as ‘habits’ – like the one you have that every time you come home from a workout you decide to treat yourself to some food that has been off limits while dieting because you are sure you’ve burned up so many calories at the gym that you can afford to indulge a bit. Yeah right.

So here is the point I’ve made so far – think, say or do something enough times and it becomes ingrained in your brain as either an automatic action or a habit.

This is why making behavioral changes can be such a challenge – the brain also acts much like a binary computer so it is always looking for a ‘match’. When it receives input from outside stimulus it ‘hijacks’ your thoughts to a well worn neural pathway. For example, you go to pass through the kitchen on your way to the laundry room and all you can think about is food and/or eating. It is simply your brain’s response to seeing/being in the kitchen. Add to that the biochemical response (neurotransmitters and hormones) in your brain and you can understand why ‘dieting’ can pose so many challenges

Now I can bring you to the topic I was wanting to cover here and opened with earlier…in addition to repetitious thoughts, words and actions becoming well worn neural pathways, the greater the emotion felt at the time of incoming data, the more deeply it is stored neurologically in your brain. As input is received in the brain, the amygdala adds an emotion, (so to speak) to it as it is recorded and stored - by the way, if any neuroscientists are reading this please refrain from emailing me nasty comments about my absurdly simple explanation on the basic functioning of the mammalian brain. So, an event occurs, a lot of emotion is added and it is vividly stored in your memory. Typically, fear and/or anger-based events are the easiest to recall because of the huge amount of emotion that is felt when they occur and due also to the ‘fight or flight’ response we are hardwired with. For example, do you remember what you were doing when you first saw or heard about the airplanes flying into the Twin Towers? How about when the space shuttle ‘The Challenger’ blew up in 1986? And what the heck does this have to do with dieting? Stay with me as I’m actually leading you towards an amazing discovery here.

Because emotions have such a huge impact on neural pathways (which lead to habits and behaviors that are programmed in the subconscious mind and covered in Part 1) we have found that if you can alter or disengage the emotion attached to a thought/neural pathway, then the thought itself can be altered and even ERASED! Now before you start thinking I smoked some crack before I wrote this perhaps more background is needed for me to tie this all to dieting.

Feelings are the response part to an emotion. Consider this – do you feel angry when you’re dieting because you can’t have your favorite food? Do you feel like a loser because the guys you workout with all have single digit bodyfat and you’ve barely cracked the teens? Do you stuff yourself with food because you feel bored? Do you finish the half-gallon of ice cream because you feel depressed? Do you feel full of anxiety while waiting for a good news/bad news phone call and only a bag of potato chips will fix it? Anyone that eats for any other reason than the fact they are experiencing true hunger knows that for the most part, food gets used as a tool to change the way we feel. It’s damn hard to stay upset at your co-worker when you’ve just eaten three-quarters of a Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza (with all your favorite toppings) because suddenly, everything just feels right with the world.

Of course the neurotransmitters that are released during the pizza frenzy are what produces the calming effect and yet it is still the ‘food’ we associate to our peaceful state of mind. Again, this is how we have trained ourselves to respond to a particular stress as I explained above – by repeating the thought, word or action enough times that it has created a well-developed neural pathway and ‘habit’. And you thought Pavlov’s dog was just stupid for salivating when someone rang a bell.


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So, what if there was a way that you could change how you felt without the use of food – would that help your dieting efforts? I originally came across this technique while looking for ways to conquer my own eating demons and had such success that I became an Advanced Practitioner with a client base that I used the same technique with. Since I am moving out of this area of work and on to other business ventures more aligned with what I want to do with my life I can share the knowledge with you without sounding like a commercial. For those that have visited my website you’ll know I’m referring to EFT (or Emotional Freedom Technique). As gay as the name of it sounds, trust me when I tell you it is a PROFOUNDLY effective way to alter your emotions and thus change the course of your life. Seriously!

You can find out about the science behind it on my site or by visiting where you will find hundreds, if not thousands, of testimonials and success stories using it (you can also download the free manual to teach yourself the technique and how to apply it). What actually happens when you use it for ‘food issues’ – and especially cravings – is that it completely annihilates your desire in that moment for the food you are doing your best to avoid. Where it is so helpful for weight loss is how it helps to change the thoughts that drive you to overeat. Once the emotion is eliminated from the ‘thought’ then the thought goes away. To save you time I’m going to cut a paste an explanation here from my website (that was mainly geared to golfers) so please don’t be pissed off if you go to it and read this part again.

Based on the ancient principles of acupuncture, EFT (emotional freedom technique) is a simple 'tapping' procedure that gently realigns the body's energy system, without the use of needles. Unlike other energy healing methods, EFT incorporates an emotional element to the healing process, addressing unresolved emotional issues as a likely cause of physical disease, psychological dysfunction, and personal performance limits.

Negative emotional experiences disrupt the energy meridians that run through our body. The physical changes we feel from those disruptions, like nausea or anxiety, become attached to the memory of that experience and affect the way we see the world...until we heal that disruption. Properly applied, EFT quickly realigns the energy meridians with respect to negative memories, disconnects the physical discomfort that we attached to it, and most often removes the resulting symptoms.

We used to think (no pun intended) that it was the mind that dictated and controlled the emotions we felt in our bodies and yet we have discovered that communication between them is actually a two-way circuit instead of one way; that feelings can and do give rise to thoughts. In fact, you demonstrate this to yourself every time you drive in the car and are abruptly cut off by another driver - you feel the fear and anger even before you have the chance to think that you were in danger and the other driver is obviously in a hurry or he wouldn't have been driving so carelessly (or something like that).

Much like when you pull the cord on a lamp, when the flow of ‘negative’ emotion in our bodies is disrupted the ‘negative’ thoughts disappear as well. A perfect example of this is when you meet someone at a party or gathering for the first time and get the feeling that they don't like you. This is followed by many paranoid, upsetting, and sometimes angry thoughts while attempting to figure out what you may have done to generate their response to you. A friend comes along and introduces you to his other friend (the one you've convinced yourself dislikes you immensely) and he/she immediately brightens and becomes much more affable, explaining that they were very nervous without knowing anyone at the event and tend to clam up from fear in uncomfortable social situations.

Weeks or months down the road you two are great friends and the thoughts of them disliking you no longer even enter your mind. The friendly feelings are genuine as are the thoughts that accompany them. EFT ‘tapping’ on specific meridians works to simply break up the flow of energy supporting the negative thoughts and beliefs, thereby eliminating or reducing their effect on the mind and body.

And there you have it. The greatest dieting tool you will ever need or use. By implementing EFT properly you can erase the emotional drivers behind the cravings and overeating (and even the lack of motivation to hit the gym). You’ll be beach bound with a body you’re proud of in no time.