I Have An Anounoucment To Make!!!!


me and my big damn mouth. U didnt read our disclaimer though. The fine print said all repercussions from our bet must be applied within 60 days. Damn my lawyer is good
Thanks for the reminder Thick...i beleive i owe you a signature for a week or so as well from that IOWA/INDIANA game i beleive :D

you know it man!!!

i been good bud, just a busy man is all

Congrats on the new grandbaby as well!! Been meaning to hit ya up!!

Hope things are looking up for you as well!


lol thanks phreezer. I have already been audited by the IRS and am trying to find a way to write off this nice new car:D
I actually modded one board b4 a few years ago but sadly i didnt know the others very well and there were weird things going on so i distanced myself

take care phreezer. glad u r back around
Well, well well... Now that you're a mod you get a company car, a company credit card, a big house and all the free gear you will ever use!!... Lol

Thick buddy.. I know you're a good guy who deserves trust and respect...and as long as nobody has any computer questions you're going to be an asset to this community. :)

Hope all is well my friend... and congrats again on your bump! You really do deserve it.

(P.S. you're still gay though)


Trusted Member
Well, so it is true.

Show up long enough, and they will hire you just to get ya to go away!

Seriously, great choice. No one will get anything by Thick, he is in every thread at once. I usually imagine the computer used in Swordfish for the hack, only at Thick's house with 7 screens loggin on 7 different boards at once. Screaming and pointing at the one from 'ology...."Fuck you bastards!!!"...

Congratz sir.:)


lol pretty close haha
Well, so it is true.

Show up long enough, and they will hire you just to get ya to go away!

Seriously, great choice. No one will get anything by Thick, he is in every thread at once. I usually imagine the computer used in Swordfish for the hack, only at Thick's house with 7 screens loggin on 7 different boards at once. Screaming and pointing at the one from 'ology...."Fuck you bastards!!!"...

Congratz sir.:)


Things will get crazy come football season. Plan on seeing many hawkeye and buckeye avatars:cool:
Well Im late to the party again. your post whoring finally paid off ;) .
This is a solid choice. I don't think we'll ever have to worry about Thick we all know what we got this time :eek: . At least he sticks up for the Big Ten. (Im talking about football you HOMOS).
Congrats buddy..........................11