Calling out of work tomorrow


Trusted Member
Calling out of work tomorrow

OK, I've just decided I'm calling out of work tomorrow. Just curious what excuses people have used in the past for this. I'm leaning towards..."I must have eaten something bad yesterday". My strategy is to alternate my lies between sickness and "family emergency came up". I've even "given" my grandmother dementia and of course, I am the only family member in the state that can come to her dear gram has been dead for 12 years now...does this make me a bad person?


Super Moderator
OK, I've just decided I'm calling out of work tomorrow. Just curious what excuses people have used in the past for this. I'm leaning towards..."I must have eaten something bad yesterday". My strategy is to alternate my lies between sickness and "family emergency came up". I've even "given" my grandmother dementia and of course, I am the only family member in the state that can come to her dear gram has been dead for 12 years now...does this make me a bad person?
You Should show up to work you got bills to pay,,, :D


Trusted Member
I've always wanted to use this:"I'm not coming to work just doesn't feel safe leaving the house, if you know what I mean"


For me its always one of two things.

1- I got the shits....

2- severe toothache, gotta see a dentist..

Whether its true or not I believe those to be acceptable excuses.


Trusted Member
i just say "I feel like shit.....not coming in....Hope you can get the work you need done.

