Back in the saddle



Back in the saddle

In my first powerlifting competition in 2002 I was smeared by 220 pounds by a local gent. In 2006 I robbed him of his APF records. In February of this year he took them back. He emailed me last night challenging me to a head-to-head in either December, January, or February. The venue is my call as long as it is an APF meet where we can battle for 'our' records.

If we were to lift today, he would edge me out in the squat by maybe 20 pounds and hand me my ass in the bench (by a max of 75 pounds). BUT! Powerlifting is a three event competition. If I can yank a 700 in the deadlift I'll beat him by ~20 pounds.


Goals for January are 700 lbs squat, 450 lbs bench, and a 700 deadlift for a total of 1850 lbs in single ply gear.

For those of you in the know the APF allows unlimited ply gear. We've agreed to compete in USAPL standard gear with the addition of groove briefs. We shall see!!!!

Last week - my first week back in the gym in weeks - I went:

SQ - 365 x 2 x 5
B - 335 x 2 x 4
DL - 505 x 5

So far this week I've gone:

SQ - 415 x 5

No bench yet due to scheduling conflict. Will bench manana. I'll update throughout the next few months to maintain a log. I won't add any gear with the exception of a belt for several more weeks. I'll add what gear was worn, how, etc., when I get there.



Trusted Member
Sounds interesting Shaq. This should help in the motivation department as well, I would think.


Active member
sounds like you`re back at it. in january,huh? you`ve got to keep us updated. and nice avatar!


Trusted Member

I'd like to have just yer starting numbers.:D

Keep it up Shaq, you can take him. You got the experience and know how, make him eat the loss.

(I'd power-shit both kidneys if I tried to deadlift 500lbs.)


Squatted for the first time yesterday in two weeks.

Ended with 425 x 4. I was lifting by myself and didn't want to risk going for a fifth. I'd like to think I would've gotten it but I just don't know.

Did six sets of leg presses and calf raises then left.

Bench tomorrow. Shit it's going to hurt.


Not a bad day under the bar but I'm developing some serious pain down inside both shoulders. More on that in a second.

Showed up 10 minutes late 'cause I had to pick up Gaydar from surgery. Went 135 x 2 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 5, 325 x 5, 335 x 5, and 345 x 5. Jumped to inclines and went 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 245 x 5, and 275 x 5.

Then left.

I was fine on the flat bench but the fucking inclines killed me. At 135 I didn't think I was going to be able to push it. On the bottom third of the lift it feels as if my humerus are getting all catawompus in the joint and holy fuck it hurts. Pain is bilateral and only hurting in the bottom third of the lift. On the next three sets I moved my hands out to index fingers on the power rings and this helped a bit but - man - something's wrong. It's strange to me it's on both sides.


Yesterday was back.


245 x 2 x 5, 335 x 3, 425 x 3, 515 x 2, 605 x 2 x 1.

For some reason I just needed to know I could still pull a 600. I'll back off on the weight next week and hit more reps.

Did preacher rows, seated rows, pull downs, and BB curls. My back is boiling this AM.


Trusted Member
good lifts man....Ok I have a ?. I have never worn a benchshirt or squatsuit.....Here are some example of my #'s which are not all that impressive, but I was wondering how much they could improve with the application of ply gear.

Bench-315 for 5
Squat-455 for 5
Dead-405 for 5 {I know it sucks Im working on getting it back in shape}

Also are those raw lifts ot ply lifts you have listed ???....your a wealth of knowledge when it comes to this shit.


My lifts in this thread are all raw.

For your lifts I will assume single ply poly gear. For the shirt a Rage X, a Hardcore for the squats and pull.

For your squat: 455 x 5 is hot shit. Within 2-3 weeks I think you could get 495 x 5. Last summer I hit 495 x 5 then the next week donned knee wraps, groove briefs, and a Hardcore (straps down) and hit a 700 x 1. Straps up I may have gotten a 725. That was a gym lift so it didn't count for shit but it's a 700 nonetheless.

If you were going to compete this Saturday I'd tell you to open with 625, 675 for a second, then go for 700. Of course, you'd need a month or two to train in your gear but you catch my drift.

For your bench: I hate this lift with a passion but only because I suck at it. The Rage X is THE shirt. There are none like it. My knee-jerk is for you to open with a 365 but that may not be heavy enough to touch your chest. You'd easily go 385, 420, 455. Those are just guesses. You may likely have a 385 raw bench. The Rage X does take some getting used to. If you decide to order one, do so at least four months before your comp. I guarantee you'll have to send it back at least once.

Your pull actually isn't that bad. I don't think a suit adds much to this lift but...hmm...I think you'd get a 495 raw DL and a 555 assisted (squat suit and briefs) in a meet.

So, is that a 1710??? Man, that's a good total. I'm not sure what class you'd be in but that's a great finish nonetheless. Again, it takes time and patience to train in gear but it's a freaking blast.

Now add 100 pounds to my squat guess above if you buy a Leviathan squat suit. If you buy a double denim bench shirt add another 50 pounds to your bench. Crazy, huh?? It's amazing to watch a dude squat 800 lbs in a canvas suit then only deadlift 550. Almost nothing helps with the deadlift. I digress.

good lifts man....Ok I have a ?. I have never worn a benchshirt or squatsuit.....Here are some example of my #'s which are not all that impressive, but I was wondering how much they could improve with the application of ply gear.

Bench-315 for 5
Squat-455 for 5
Dead-405 for 5 {I know it sucks Im working on getting it back in shape}

Also are those raw lifts ot ply lifts you have listed ???....your a wealth of knowledge when it comes to this shit.


Trusted Member
Im thinking about switching over to PL'ing or at least shooting for a meet. I just dont know how to transition into working out that way. I have been researching and talking to a few guys on elitefs about it and looking for a program to get into. What would you suggest shaq??

I dont really max that often and lowest rep range I have gone recently was when I was doing 5x5 routine. Squats were 495, bench was 405, and DL was 495 during this routine but sometimes would only get 3 -4reps in the last 2 sets. So then lowered the weights slightly the following weeks. This was at a BW of 285. I want to cut down and do a meet next year that my buddy is putting on in GA. So any help over the next year would be great.... Just think this training will end up helping me in BB'ing in the years to follow. If you compare former PL'er that are now BB'er and you can SEE the difference big time. I just want to do something different and then do another show after I give PL'ing a try.
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Trusted Member
Im thinking about switching over to PL'ing or at least shooting for a meet. I just dont know how to transition into working out that way. I have been researching and talking to a few guys on elitefs about it and looking for a program to get into. What would you suggest shaq??

I dont really max that often and lowest rep range I have gone recently was when I was doing 5x5 routine. Squats were 495, bench was 405, and DL was 495 during this routine. This was at a BW of 285. I want to cut down and do a meet next year that my buddy is putting on in GA. So any help over the next year would be great.... Just think this training will end up helping me in BB'ing in the years to follow. If you compare former PL'er that are now BB'er and you can SEE the difference big time. I just want to do something different and then do another show after I give PL'ing a try.

Smart move IMO...I see what you mean about PLers going into BBing and creating or showing off a different kind of physique.


Two words: Andy Feidler aka Mr. Minnesota from 1-2 years ago. What a freak.

I'll make some suggestions in the morning when I can see straight.

Im thinking about switching over to PL'ing or at least shooting for a meet. I just dont know how to transition into working out that way. I have been researching and talking to a few guys on elitefs about it and looking for a program to get into. What would you suggest shaq??

I dont really max that often and lowest rep range I have gone recently was when I was doing 5x5 routine. Squats were 495, bench was 405, and DL was 495 during this routine. This was at a BW of 285. I want to cut down and do a meet next year that my buddy is putting on in GA. So any help over the next year would be great.... Just think this training will end up helping me in BB'ing in the years to follow. If you compare former PL'er that are now BB'er and you can SEE the difference big time. I just want to do something different and then do another show after I give PL'ing a try.


If I say anything that directly contradicts what is suggested on Elite, go with what they say. There are some extremely smart mofos there. Also check out Every powerlifter with a sack posts there. You can ask everything from cycle suggestions to openers and get an answer from some of the country's best lifters.

If you plan to spend any time powerlifting then decide to diet down for a show, be very careful. A good friend of mine squats ~800-850. Last year he wanted to do a show and his legs looked awful. He had absolutely no quads to speak of. His butt, hip flexors, and erectors looked fantastic but he had bird legs - and was a HW. All I'd suggest here is to give yourself plenty of time to make the transition...and keep doing leg-building exercises.

The workouts for powerlifting are very simple IMO. I set a tonnage number for each workout and make myself reach that weight in 60 minutes. Most - if not all - of the weight comes from the big three. For example, if I'm on legs and want 50,000 lbs, 90-95% of that total comes from a bar being on my back. In addition, most of that weight comes when I'm within ~25-33% of my 1RM.

Lifting in gear will add to the weight you're able to handle safely. However, I stay away from gear until I'm 5-6 weeks out. With some of the radical gear on the market it will take more time to learn grooves and zero in your attempts but I rarely put it on.

Im thinking about switching over to PL'ing or at least shooting for a meet. I just dont know how to transition into working out that way. I have been researching and talking to a few guys on elitefs about it and looking for a program to get into. What would you suggest shaq??

I dont really max that often and lowest rep range I have gone recently was when I was doing 5x5 routine. Squats were 495, bench was 405, and DL was 495 during this routine but sometimes would only get 3 -4reps in the last 2 sets. So then lowered the weights slightly the following weeks. This was at a BW of 285. I want to cut down and do a meet next year that my buddy is putting on in GA. So any help over the next year would be great.... Just think this training will end up helping me in BB'ing in the years to follow. If you compare former PL'er that are now BB'er and you can SEE the difference big time. I just want to do something different and then do another show after I give PL'ing a try.


Trusted Member
Thanks bro! I think the biggest thing is pick a meet and schedule a training regime around it with someone who knows the fuck there talking Around here there is no one I know as I just moved here so lift by myself. Once I get things squared and I get motivated here soon I will post up what I am doing. Thanks bro and I might hit u up from time to time.

If I say anything that directly contradicts what is suggested on Elite, go with what they say. There are some extremely smart mofos there. Also check out Every powerlifter with a sack posts there. You can ask everything from cycle suggestions to openers and get an answer from some of the country's best lifters.

If you plan to spend any time powerlifting then decide to diet down for a show, be very careful. A good friend of mine squats ~800-850. Last year he wanted to do a show and his legs looked awful. He had absolutely no quads to speak of. His butt, hip flexors, and erectors looked fantastic but he had bird legs - and was a HW. All I'd suggest here is to give yourself plenty of time to make the transition...and keep doing leg-building exercises.

The workouts for powerlifting are very simple IMO. I set a tonnage number for each workout and make myself reach that weight in 60 minutes. Most - if not all - of the weight comes from the big three. For example, if I'm on legs and want 50,000 lbs, 90-95% of that total comes from a bar being on my back. In addition, most of that weight comes when I'm within ~25-33% of my 1RM.

Lifting in gear will add to the weight you're able to handle safely. However, I stay away from gear until I'm 5-6 weeks out. With some of the radical gear on the market it will take more time to learn grooves and zero in your attempts but I rarely put it on.


Squats today. Ended with a 455 x 5. Leg presses - 3 100s and a 45 on each side. Hack squats - 3 x 4 45s on each side. Extensions - 4 sets. Whole stack each time. Seated calf raises - 2 plates, one leg at a time. 4 sets.


Bench day. Ended up with 355 x 2. Elbows were hurting like hell.

Stripped the bar down to 225 and added two pink bands. Went 225 x 5, 245 x 4, 275 x 3, then 315 x --. That shit just sat on my chest laughing at me. Begging me to push it up. I could not. This is the first time I've done any band training in two years. It was pretty cool. I'll incorporate more of it in the future.


Back day - my favorite.

Bent over rows to 225 x 8.

Pull downs then seated rows.

Deadlifts - 135 x 10, 335 x 10, 435 x 8.

I rarely go over sets of five but my partner wanted to push the limits today. I was very happy with that.

Did six sets of curls then left.


Squats only today. Three tough sets at 455 x 5, 475 x 5, and 495 x 5. The 475 was crazy heavy during the walk out but the reps were easy.


Yesterday's bench sucked butt. I was in a new gym at a dead time so I just couldn't get into it. Ended up with 325 x 2 x 5 and left.


Seated rows, pull-ups (I REALLY suck at those) 3 x 7, and deads to 455 x 8!!! I was stoked with that. I could not have done one more rep. I was smoked. Did some curls and left.