what constitutes cheating?


New member
what constitutes cheating?

me and my X havent gotten back together officially however she has moved back in cause she has no where else to go which Im not to happy about, but she is leaving tomorrow for 5 days with some of her GF's to a city of sin... Now I was invited but I have to work and dont really feel like breaking my training routine, or fucking up my diet and on top of that watching guys hit on her constantly.

Now since were not together officially am I allowed to have a weekend of fun:D . I have 2 girls on the back burner that want to hangout, the first girl Ive had sex with before and is very persistant about having sex again, and the second is a younger gorgeous girl that I work with that has been flirting with me since she started working with me.

what do you guys think?

If pictures will help I will post them just for you wylie LOL


New member
hey pro...

if there is no love between you and the "x" i don't see anyway that anyone can constitute it as cheating...

cheating can only occur when: you deprive someone of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud... :D


Trusted Member
I would say if you guys are broke up, you can both sleep with whoever you want...tear it up.I am sure pics would help.


Active member
i`m one of those guys that says...even talking onthe phone is cheating. but if you`re not together......bang it out


New member
my X's pic

better pic of her she in middle

here is the young girl I work with ONLY 21:eek:
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New member
heres the one ive already had relations with

im only keeping these up for an hour
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Trusted Member
The last one is my favorite! Yea, if you both agree that you're broken up, cheating cannot take place. Bad thing is that even when there is a mutual understanding of being broken up, the woman always seems to get pissed. Why is that? I mean, she'll tell you "go do what ever the fuck you want." You do, and then she goes apeshit.


New member
dont get me wrong I love my X but and I think ill end up marrying her, but maybe I should have some fun before we end up getting back together for sure.

I dont know what will happen I will either end up doing nothing or if she doesnt call me maybe ill screw them both LOL


Super Moderator
Hot Damn, I thought your one ugly MOFO lol, anyway play your cards right don’t burn bridges with your pass relationship. Big mistake if you sleep with someone that you work with,,,,


New member
Big mistake if you sleep with someone that you work with,,,,
Now there is some good advice, but she has kinda made it clear that she only wants a one night stand... Plus at work she is always touching me... and always trying to get me hard by saying dirty things to me. Been really hard to resist but I think your right on this one

dont shit where you eat
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if u think the x and yourself r gonna end up married then i would tread carefully. Do u think your gf will be getting laid this weekend? if she does, would it bother you? If you dont care if she gets nailed, and u r broke up, by all means nail that cute little 21 year old over and over and over and over again
dont get me wrong I love my X but and I think ill end up marrying her, but maybe I should have some fun before we end up getting back together for sure.

I dont know what will happen I will either end up doing nothing or if she doesnt call me maybe ill screw them both LOL


New member
if u think the x and yourself r gonna end up married then i would tread carefully. Do u think your gf will be getting laid this weekend? if she does, would it bother you? If you dont care if she gets nailed, and u r broke up, by all means nail that cute little 21 year old over and over and over and over again
I dont know. I think I would rather just not know about it. Plus we have a really open relationship. She has been trying to get back with me for awhile now, but we broke up long time ago and I just dont know if it is the right thing for me to be with her at this time. But I did let her move back in cause she has no where to go(or at least she says she doesnt, maybe it was just a ploy to keep my junk in her control)


Trusted Member
do em all....please...for me?

Or at least fed ex one of them in a box to me..
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Trusted Member
I was beginning to think I knew you reading your story, but seeing the X confirmed I dont. I think I recognize where the pic of you holding her is. Anyway she is just staying with you because she has nowhere to go doesn't mean your back together, she's going to Vegas with "the girls" and what are you going to do stay home and watch sponge Bob. go have at it.............11


New member
I was beginning to think I knew you reading your story, but seeing the X confirmed I dont. I think I recognize where the pic of you holding her is. Anyway she is just staying with you because she has nowhere to go doesn't mean your back together, she's going to Vegas with "the girls" and what are you going to do stay home and watch sponge Bob. go have at it.............11
that would be crazy if we new each other


Man Whore Expert
Now there is some good advice, but she has kinda made it clear that she only wants a one night stand... Plus at work she is always touching me... and always trying to get me hard by saying dirty things to me. Been really hard to resist but I think your right on this one

dont shit where you eat

She's lying! They always say that shit and then try and trap you with their venus-penis-traps.