Unaffordable Healthcare Act


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Unaffordable Healthcare Act

I just finished my open enrollment for 2014. For the exact same medical plan that I had in 2013, the cost of it went up 89.2%. lol. What was the name of that law? The Affordable Healthcare Act?

Once that website is up and running, I sure hope they have enough bandwidth...people are going to be breaking down the door to sign up!



Trusted Member
Wife and I both have coverage through our jobs. I don't know if I will be affected or not. I'm assuming my costs will go up. I just don't know shit about this deal. Who are the winners?


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A couple of my buddies are self emoter & were saying how much their premiums had already jumped. They also said their agent warned them it was going to get worse.


Trusted Member
Wife and I both have coverage through our jobs. I don't know if I will be affected or not. I'm assuming my costs will go up. I just don't know shit about this deal. Who are the winners?
This is through my work. The Aetna reps told us that the working poor are now paying for all the subsidies that the people who sign up through the exchanges are getting.

1. This takes more of my disposable income away meaning that I will be buying less retail goods, thus slowing down the manufacturing base.
2. Means that I will have to sign up for more OT to cover the HC cost.
3. Gives me a really bad attitude...the knee replacement my wife wants, she'll get it in 2014 before I have to pay more in 2015 instead of "muscling thorough it".
4. Signals to me that in 2014, I'm going to get my 3rd fusion done instead of pushing it off and hopefully stop the continual pain and suffering because I didn't want to fuck over my co-workers and take the next six months (6) off recovering. Looks like I'll just have to now tap into my short term and long term disability insurance...darn it! Seems like June might be a good time to schedule it. Thank God for Bill Clinton and the FMLA act.
5. I suppose that I should have my right knee looked at; that should be good for a couple of weeks of short term disability pay for doing nothing but getting some arthro done. Its only been on the bum for 15 years..
6. Get my hammer toes fixed. More time off, more pay for doing nothing.
7. Have all those "so-called" pre-cancerous, thick, scaly patches on my thighs sprayed off (LQ nitrogen), even though they really never turn into cancer (Dermotologists money maker)...just because they look unsightly.
8. Oh yeah, time for a follow-up colonoscopy...more time off, FMLA covered. Gotta love propofol.
9. And a few more aliments that just happen to blow in....

Shit, by my calculations, I'll work about six (6) months in 2014 and get paid for ten (10) months.

I call that a bargain, the best I ever had...and then 2015 is coming up. lol.

As I remember it being explained by Centurion Sibelius, I'm at the top of the pyramid in this Ponzi scheme and all the young folks are at the base, paying the bulk of the bill.

I know from this year, the more I use, the more the insurance pays. In fact, lately, all my major medical procedures have been paid at 100% for the last four (4) months, no matter what they cost. lol.

To all of you, you always got to find the angle, look at things obliquely. I may be paying more for HC next year, but I expect reap the whirlwind:D

Keep voting for the young, cool hipster dude folks! Fuck that old white man, we want a cool president, right?

Man, for my extra 89.2% extra, I think I may have found the mother load as I think through this.



Trusted Member
Lmao. Nice! It's amazing, to say the least, to watch this guy ramble through two terms. He can't lose. You're white (i'm assuming), that makes any criticism from you racist. So by default everyone else goes along without question.


Trusted Member
Your assumption is correct, but he nothing but a bumbler. The voters spoke and got the hipster elected. The only reason I mention "Old, white guy" is because when Barry was running, I heard many people say, "We don't need another old, white guy in the white house." Well, that in itself is racist. lol, but nobody ever got called-out on that race card.

The whole thing is moot...but, we need a leader badly.



Trusted Member
I just finished my open enrollment for 2014. For the exact same medical plan that I had in 2013, the cost of it went up 89.2%. lol. What was the name of that law? The Affordable Healthcare Act?

Once that website is up and running, I sure hope they have enough bandwidth...people are going to be breaking down the door to sign up!

u don't understand...because you're paying more, it's now affordable to those who don't or won't work for a living and illegals...


Trusted Member
Your assumption is correct, but he nothing but a bumbler. The voters spoke and got the hipster elected. The only reason I mention "Old, white guy" is because when Barry was running, I heard many people say, "We don't need another old, white guy in the white house." Well, that in itself is racist. lol, but nobody ever got called-out on that race card.

The whole thing is moot...but, we need a leader badly.

well the "let's get someone who isn't an old white guy in the white house" experiment failed...he's done more to hurt black people by being a shitty president...i don't see another minority being elected for a long time because of it...


Trusted Member
I heard on talk radio that the deductible for the "Brass" plan, the cheapest plan, is $5100.00:eek:

Holy Christ!
