The best way to convince your Dr?


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The best way to convince your Dr?

For those who are looking toward TRT/HRT then what would be the best way to covince your Dr. (other than blood tests) that you need to be treated for TRT/HRT.

I know in my area that most Dr's will prescribe something as long as your not specific in what you want. Seems if you try and tell most what you think is best for yourself they take it as a personal insult.

What would be some good facts to lay on the table to help a person recieve TRT/HRT?



First off if your coming off a cycle, go get BW done as it will show you low and if they ask have you done roids are you coming off, your answer is always no, i dont know whats wrong, all I know is I cant get out of bed and i dont want to have sex any more and my wife/girlfriend is hot Doc! they will give it to you,even if your 20 and your blood shows very low test levs they will give it to you. I had one doc told me I will give you some hcg... he new i was coming off. So I told him no I am allergic to hcg sir.. he was hmm, come see me in 4 weeks and i will give you the patch.. I was like ok left and tossed the script on the ground and went to the anti rejuvenation place that I am still at, and they treat you well there. I personally am going to come off for about 1 year or so to clean out and rest my body. am going to use that stuff I posted up, and carlito is finding some really good stuff cheap. But that place I posted bro is good to go call them up.


Trusted Member
Thx AK and good idea on taking a year off because i have done that before and when i went back i didnt even need to stack. I honestly got good gains off of around 400-600 mgs pw of test alone.

Like i said freedom is priceless and a trip to Fla or where ever to cover your ass is the smart mans move. If a person could convince there faimly Doc to put them on TRT then even better. With all the media hype though i would say your 100% right about the clinic being a lot easier.


Trusted Member
First off if your coming off a cycle, go get BW done as it will show you low and if they ask have you done roids are you coming off, your answer is always no, i dont know whats wrong, all I know is I cant get out of bed and i dont want to have sex any more and my wife/girlfriend is hot Doc! they will give it to you,even if your 20 and your blood shows very low test levs they will give it to you. I had one doc told me I will give you some hcg... he new i was coming off. So I told him no I am allergic to hcg sir.. he was hmm, come see me in 4 weeks and i will give you the patch.. I was like ok left and tossed the script on the ground and went to the anti rejuvenation place that I am still at, and they treat you well there. I personally am going to come off for about 1 year or so to clean out and rest my body. am going to use that stuff I posted up, and carlito is finding some really good stuff cheap. But that place I posted bro is good to go call them up.

I don't get it; you went to an anti-rejuvenation clinic??? Is this where they take people in good shape and anti-rejuvenate them till they are in bad shape? I don't follow why anyone would do that.




I don't get it; you went to an anti-rejuvenation clinic??? Is this where they take people in good shape and anti-rejuvenate them till they are in bad shape? I don't follow why anyone would do that.

LOL thats funny i did not catch that:). rejuvenation center my bad, anti aging center :). Trying to make me look bad aye TenMan:).


Trusted Member
I don't get it; you went to an anti-rejuvenation clinic??? Is this where they take people in good shape and anti-rejuvenate them till they are in bad shape? I don't follow why anyone would do that.

We have them here, they don't have any near you?




Now thats some funny and true shit there, talk about something that should be illegal for children. if you bring your child into one of them places you should have your hands cutt off.


Trusted Member
i wouldnt go to your doctor fresh out of a cycle. when your WBC is over 20,000. he'll give and send you away for many test trying to find out the cause.


Trusted Member
i wouldnt go to your doctor fresh out of a cycle. when your WBC is over 20,000. he'll give and send you away for many test trying to find out the cause.
How long of a wait then after you come off? 2 months and dont use PCT?



I would pct as you might not get it and you will lose a lot of muscle, but you can lift very heavy get the blood test with in an hour (if possible) and then it will show low test levels, and i am sure there is other ways to lower it as well maybe a web search, anyways how old are you? If you say your sex drive is gone and cant get out of bed then even if your test levs are a little bit low it still could be the reason and they might scripts you, only way to find out is try.


Trusted Member
I would pct as you might not get it and you will lose a lot of muscle, but you can lift very heavy get the blood test with in an hour (if possible) and then it will show low test levels, and i am sure there is other ways to lower it as well maybe a web search, anyways how old are you? If you say your sex drive is gone and cant get out of bed then even if your test levs are a little bit low it still could be the reason and they might scripts you, only way to find out is try.
That's stretching it - but true with the sex drive...



In response to the original post...You will need to find a doctor who is know to you or a friend to make this work the best. Going to some docs, they just may not get "it" at all especially the older ones. Some docs just can't be convinced. Too old fashioned. Your best bet is through someone you know or a younger doc who takes pride in his own personal health. That way he would understand where you are coming from like I would.


New member
I'm 48 and my blood work showed my levels were low and this was not after taking anything so the doctors decision was easy. I have to take blood tests once a year to get a new script and once I was too close to have just finished an oral and my blood test came back with my free test to high and we did it a month later and it was in the normal range. Now I know that within a month of my test I do nothing but my prescribed TRT meds. Then i'm good for another 11 months to do as I please.


there used to be a good thread on this FTW. It gave a few things to do to lower your test b4 your test lmfao!

there were obvious parts such as complain about low sex drive etc. I believe one was to no sleep for 24 hours as well. I will see if i find it and post it again.


Trusted Member
I was born with undesceded testicles and did not have this corrected until I was 5 years old. After that my parents did not have my vacs up and I had mumps fall on me at the age of 6. My mom told me my nuts where the size of baseballs....I am sterile because of both and my pathways have been severally affected by this. I have been on trt for a while now and according to my Doc, and another one Im considering going to my trt is completely justified. I am now getting all of my medical records from previous blood test and my surgery to keep in my current medical records.

I have been doing a lot of research on my condition and I run a huge chance for testicular cancer, and of course hypogonadism is another almost inevitable factor.


New member
Lowering your test, for a test.....

I've read this a few times....never tried it, but......

So now I bet some of you guys want to know how to temporarily lower your T-levels so you can get some doctor prescribed Testosterone. I'll give you some tips at the end, but I'd like to first give you some other pointers.


When you meet with the doctor, he may ask you what symptoms you have or he may ask you some questions which will help him determine if you have a Testosterone deficiency. Tell the doctor the following or answer yes to any questions that pertain to these symptoms. You can give these symptoms in order to help convince the doc to write a script for any of the drugs listed.

? Lethargy
? Lack of sex drive (Not necessarily erections, but lack of sexual desire)
? Possible slight depression
? You gain fat easily
? Have a hard time gaining muscle despite increased calorie intake
? Can't get a good workout (Can't focus, have little drive, can't get a good pump etc.)

Monkeying with the blood test

In order to lower your Testosterone levels, you'll have to do some moderately drastic things. In fact, this will be a pain in the ass! Now, I realize that all this borders on the verge of excess, but hey, if you want it bad enough, you'll be willing to make some rather extreme sacrifices.

First, decrease calorie intake for about a week. If you can, don't eat 24 to 48 hours before the blood draw. When you do eat, eliminate carbs and fat. You'll only be eating protein during the week and preferably nothing the last 24 to 48 hours, except for a drink. The drink will be alcohol.

That's right, this will be the only time I'll actually recommend drinking, but it'll help. To be on the safe side, drink 3 to 5 beers (or equivalent in liquor) a day for 6 to10 days prior to the test. The night before the test, go ahead and have 6 or 7, or whatever it takes to get you drunk enough not to drive. About two hours prior to the test, have 3 to 4 beers.

Since this will all be on an empty stomach, you should have someone drive you to the office and back. Try not to grab the nurse's ass if you start to get tipsy and if there's a lamp in the office, try not to wear the shade as a hat while singing The Village People's "YMCA," accompanied by the appropriate hand motions.

As far as training, you'll be training twice a day including cardio for this entire week in order to raise cortisol levels. This will lower Testosterone as well. I'd also like you to get very little sleep. Around 3 to 4 hours per night and zero sleep the night before the big test. In other words, do everything ass-backwards!

You could also try a birth control pill. However, I don't have any first-hand experience with this method, so I can't say how well it'll work. If what you're trying to get is Arimidex (by displaying elevated estrogen levels), you could try the pill along with androstendione, although I probably wouldn't do it personally.

To really put yourself over the edge, try to watch as many reruns as possible of Designing Women on Lifetime. Your T levels are sure to plummet, unless you decide to kill yourself or become an interior decorator first. Seriously, you may also want to pick up some licorice root. Take around 3,000 mg a day for 6 to10 days until the test. I do, however, want to warn you that you'll need to get plenty of potassium in your diet, as licorice will lower potassium levels. Neglecting this aspect, especially if you're going to be drinking alcohol, too, can be dangerous.

All of these things combined should dramatically reduce your T-levels to the point where you'll qualify for replacement. Oh yeah, and try not to partake in any sexual activity. You'll probably be too fatigued to "bone" anyhow.


Trusted Member
Well darn it, I like dancing like the village people in my Dr. office....doesn't everybody?

I'm gonna try this after the first of the year. Sounds like it could work. If it doesn't, I'll start looking into anti-aging clinics.


Trusted Member
also doc I am having trouble locating my records from my surgery it was 28 years ago do you there is a copy of it anywhere ???
I was born with undesceded testicles and did not have this corrected until I was 5 years old. After that my parents did not have my vacs up and I had mumps fall on me at the age of 6. My mom told me my nuts where the size of baseballs....I am sterile because of both and my pathways have been severally affected by this. I have been on trt for a while now and according to my Doc, and another one Im considering going to my trt is completely justified. I am now getting all of my medical records from previous blood test and my surgery to keep in my current medical records.

I have been doing a lot of research on my condition and I run a huge chance for testicular cancer, and of course hypogonadism is another almost inevitable factor.


You guys are f*cking crazy. :) All the things you are talking about would work but seem excessive. Like I said before. Find a doc you know and trust rather than putting your body under undue stress. Definitely an interesting read for me though.