Testosterone article MSNBC did.


Trusted Member
Finally a decent article. When I was 27 I had a level of 356 and felt like shit. I started looking ito HRT then.


New member
Great article Bro, Its good to get get some good info from other boards and share. More info more knowledge to work with. Thx for sharing:D


Trusted Member
That is a fantastic article. Not biased really, just positive and good results for many. I really really hope mainstream media/government folks start to pickup on what kind of revenue this could generate if test were no longer a controlled substance.

Great find GRB!


New member
I read that in Mens Health. Great read. Can you imagine the profits the drug companies would make and the money the gov would make on taxes if test was much much easier to obtain with a script. Im 36 and Ive been on TRT for 3 years. Cost me $15 a month in co-pay to fill my script.


New member
Finally main stream media and the medical field are starting to expose the benefits of TRT, great article! Plus, truth be known, you can't beat a $7 copay for a yummy 10ml bottle of Upjohn Cyp!



Trusted Member
like broke.. this is why I hate links.. it's great to put the link, but copy the article to here also.. pretty please