Stossel on steroids 20/20


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Stossel on steroids 20/20

Posted by John Romano

I have no idea how this report is going to turn out. From what I gather it should be pretty positive. I spoke with the show\'s producer, Miguel Sancho, and he said that while he\'s happy with the piece they did, he feels a little frustrated because he knows there is so much more to the story.

I\'m hoping that we have a foot in the door. Maybe now, since one of those talking heads on TV seems to want to tell the truth, we can implore 20/20 - specifically Miguel Sancho and John Stossel - to do a follow-up, more in depth, report. Sancho already knows there is more to it. I know he wants to do more on the topic.

I think our voices would be heard. If all of us flood ABC with e-mails raving about the fact that Stossel is a hero for being the lone journalist to look at the facts about steroids and standing up and telling the truth, I think it will leave an impression. A big public response on this report would make it slam dunk to sell them on doing a more in depth version.

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I watched the episode last night. It was alright but pretty short. Its definatly worth a look though.


Trusted Member
To bad it wasn't much longer, but at least some people are trying to get the truth out, promblem is people have been brain washed for years and it will take more than a couple shows to undo that. That dumb ass arrogant doctor Id like to bitch slap him (I know thats roid rage :rolleyes: ) how can it be abuse if its doctor supervised ?. ...................11