

Trusted Gay Member
mainly over at 'ology...and i've been really fucking busy too. my sleeping pattern is a little fucked right now as the wife just started night i stay up with her on her days off so that she doesn't get too out of i've been sleeping less...meh...

but thought i'd come back in here and say "fuck to you" to all my fellow whorez


Trusted Gay Member
seeing my avatard reminds me that Billary and Obamama are going to be converging on my fair state soon...Obama's adds are already showing up in force...


Trusted Gay Member
couple of great choices there. Cant go wrong with either:cool:
none of 'em are the right choice...i talked to my dad this past weekend and he's always been a really staunch Repub and he even told me that McCant isn't the one...:eek:


my mom has always been a democrat and she is voting republican. it about made me piss myself
none of 'em are the right choice...i talked to my dad this past weekend and he's always been a really staunch Repub and he even told me that McCant isn't the one...:eek: