Resveratrol and How It Can Help Alleviate Sight Related Health Problems


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Resveratrol and How It Can Help Alleviate Sight Related Health Problems

Resveratrol and How It Can Help Alleviate Sight Related Health Problems

What is your favourite dinner party joke? "Ok I'll have another glass of red - it's good for the heart you know!"

There is well documented evidence to show that resveratrol has many benefits to the heart. This is mostly due to improved circulation. But the knock on effect could be that other circulation-related conditions could also benefit from resveratrol supplementation.

One of the most widespread types of vision loss is age related macular degeneration, of which there are two types: Wet and dry. The wet type can develop much more quickly and cause more serious vision loss, because the retina is progressively broken down by the growth of new capillary blood vessels behind it. This process is called angionesis.

There have been studies carried out by researchers (at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis) who considered resveratrol as a remedy to inhibit this process. The study involved creating the condition in the eyes of mice using a laser. The mice were then fed resveratrol. Amazingly, several results were observed. Firstly, micro-capillary formation was inhibited, but also the capillary blood vessels that had already formed were diminished!

This study has been carried out on mice, and further research is needed before it can be stated conclusively that resveratrol also has the same effect on humans. If it is successfully proved that it does help, then other conditions where angiogenesis is a factor can be helped, notably, diabetic retinopathy, heart disease, and the growth of cancerous tumours. The potential is massive.

So - I will have that extra glass.

Heather Robinson

Heather Robinson has set up her own health and beauty online shop, offering a range of health supplements and other health and beauty support products, aiming to protect, prevent and preserve our beautiful bodies.