question about AI'S?


New member
question about AI'S?

I used proviron in my last cycle to try and reduce bloat/water, it didnt really work very well! so this time im going to try A-dex. My question is, will it give me the same feeling as proviron as in a sky high sex drive??


Super Moderator
I used proviron in my last cycle to try and reduce bloat/water, it didnt really work very well! so this time im going to try A-dex. My question is, will it give me the same feeling as proviron as in a sky high sex drive??
Good question j-t, from my personal experience during a heavy cycle I choose Arimidex and remember try not to use Arimidex during post cycle Arimidex tends to have a negative impact on blood lipids.


i usually run proviron and adex (or aromasin) together during cycle.

the reasoning behind provirons' ability to help libido is because of its affinity to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). it binds to SHBG, which in turn frees up more testosterone in the body and helps more bind to where we want it... the androgen receptors. in turn we basically get more bang for our buck from the test we are using and our libido is off the hook.


New member
Ok great, so if I ran both would .25 mg eod or ed of each be about right? and just do the proviron during my pct?
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Ok great, so if I ran both would .25 mg eod or ed of each be about right? and just do the proviron during my pct?
of adex? .50mg is a good dose.

proviron should not be used during pct. its a steroid.


Trusted Member
Proviron is a weak anti-e, and is best used to free up SHBG....The best AI is Aromasin as it has no effect on lipids...arimidex or lertrozole will wreck them.

12.5 mgs of Aromason ED or EOD is good.


Letro has been very good to me!

Nothing gets it done better than Letro..imo
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New member
Thanks for all your help...... now all iv got to do is decide which one to choose!!!!!!!!!!! :confused: