possible overtraing with cardio?


New member
possible overtraing with cardio?

I am shipping out for boot in 20 days or so, in the past month or so I started the P90X crap you see on the infomercials and I gotta say its pretty awesome although I miss slamming the weight around. The old school training is kinda counterproductive to the goals I want to achieve though. I run 2 miles fast, 11 min every day along with the program I have been on the same diet I was on before except i have added more veggies and fruit. the diet is a 3,000 cal roughly standard bodybuilding diet, very high protein. Im not sure if anyone knows of the program but it is intense. Im afraid I may be experience some of the symptoms of over training and simply working through it. I have herd of over training from weights but not sure if I can experience the same from a hard endurance program? my stats are 5ft 8 around 170 very lean now


Trusted Member
i don't think you are over training.....i think you are not training hard enough...but that's just me. i do wish you the best with your goals though.:cool: