need input on current blood work values


Trusted Member
need input on current blood work values

Quick history on liver enzymes, 9-1-07 sgot=40, sgpt=48, then retested 9-26-07 and read sgot=41, sgpt=77. since that went on good bulker cycle, been off for about 4-1/2 weeks, rechecked blood work again 1-22-08 and sgot=44, sgpt=78, test 394 ng/dl, and total cholesterol 240. Liver enzymes slightly elevated but steady, test seems normal and choles slightly high. Also note that I did not take any orals on last cycle, just injectables, enth and equip. Do you think these value are way out of wack or accecptable! I dont know how a doctor judges them ( a few points high ok or very bad). I've heard of some guys have total cholest. in the 700-1000, so I'm not sure at what point to really start worring, and for the liver enzymes I've never seen what other guys average!


you are fine for now but watch closely. Your liver can heal in the early stages but there is a "point of no return". Your cholesterol is a little high but nothing to get too excited about. Your liver levels are fine. No worries for now.


Trusted Member
back to normal

Just thought I would say, all values are back to normal, well within normall range. I think i may over reacted on previous testing.:)