my is brother leaving for Iraqi


Trusted Member
Thats awsome bro. It looks like he's a gunner.

I was in the military also and liked it alot, never did any stints as my family comes first. its alot of hard work.


bes tof luck to him. i give any man who puts their life on the line for this country a ton of respect.


New member
even though i have never meet your brother i know for a fact that he is a good man, and will keep him in my prayers as he carrys on his patriotic mission!!!

being a vet myself from desert storm, i also wish your brother Godspeed!!!


New member
That truly seperates the men from the boys.....He has more bravery in his pinkie than I have in my body! I say a prayer everynight for our guys......Thank him for serving!


Trusted Member
Give him a big thank you from all of us here D. May he come back to your family safely. GodBless our troops.


New member
Our family's thoughts and prayers are with him. My son is also serving in the military, but has been lucky enough to avoid Iraq. We pray for our children and friends over there every day and your brother is now a member of our family. God Bless him.


New member
My god, these fucking young guys over there, many forget about them! God bless that boy, and tell him that there is many like myself that NEVER forget for a single moment that they are over there!

Go Kick some ass!!!!!!!!!
For all the soilders......

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
-Matthew 5:9

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- Italian proverb