

New member
Gyno, don't knwo why..

Sorry about the headline, I ment to add gyno, and added my outlaw buddies name by mistake.

Dear doc, A member (buddy) from Outlaw board told me to come over here and post my question here, for he says that you can help me here. The user was Manuel-hung, he claims that you can lead me ti the right direction here. I truely hop so. Heres My question.

I used AAS over the years. on and off. Well many years ago I came down with gyno, and it grew and grew. To the point where it was growing when I was off roids for years. I had the 2 large masses removed. And shortly after I felt the ichy,and soon lumps come back. I have lumps now, but they are not to large,but they are there. Every so ofter they hurt, like every once in a blue moon I feel them growing. And I am off the gear for some time, for I have'nt be able to go back on hence I am scared of a massive flare-up of gyno. Why would I be getting gyno when I'm not useing gear,and I am just doing and liveing a normal life? I'm not fat, of over weight by any means.I heard my doc 2 years ago mumble under his breath ( could be a tunor on the pituitary gland)!?!?!?!? I read that it can be from HG levels being messed up,and what not. I never used HG nor will I, so It can't be from usage of that?!?! I have some Adex and nolvadex that my doc gave me years ago, should I use that now? What should I do doc?
Just so you know some more facts.

1)I have no prob getting my Johnson up.

2)I do have a lack in sex drive at times. ( be does'nt effect my hard-ons

3)I tend to brake out every once in a blue moon ( thought that may be hormones)

4) Not over weight at all 5'7 180lbs now, Have'nt been working out, for some time, and lost all size and gains.

5) Always dark rings under eyes ( feel tired alot )

6) Hard core sleep problems)

7)I can't eat at times, just don't feel hunger as I should.

Help doc.
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Okay here's the deal. You need a complete blood workup including a panel of a bunch of hormones (I won't bore you with the names and implications) when you are off everything (and I mean everything) for at least 3 months. After that you can derive some meaningful information. The fact that you can still function in other ways is good. Some bad news is regarding the gynecomastia. This is not always reversible. If nobody ever told you that then someone should have. Just because you stop doesnt mean things reverse. Just like when you stop smoking doesn't mean the damage to the lungs revert back to normal. Somethings may be able to be targeted to help your situation (ie. medication, supplementation) but one would need to know where your baseline is now.


New member

I'm seeing a Doc night now, and he said word for word what you just said!!!

I'll give a feed back on this post!

I know its been some time. but much needed info for some is right here!