Legit info on MGF and GHRP-6


Trusted Member
Legit info on MGF and GHRP-6


GH-releasing hexapeptide (GHRP-6) is a secratogue peptide that stimulates the release of growth hormone (GH) by acting at both hypothalamic and pituitary sites.

GHRP-6 duplicates the way the growth hormone works in the body. In studies it not only has shown to enhance growth hormone levels, but also increased the pulsatile secretory bursts of GH. Another remarkable trait of GHRP-6 is its increase in normal pulsatile physiological secretion by its hypothalamic action.

Initial studies with GHRP-6 suggested that this compound acted primarily on the pituitary gland and was absolutely specific for GH release. More recent studies have qualified both of these assumptions. This peptide has been clinically verified to increase GH levels, increase appetite, raise IGF-1 levels, help sleep cycles and more.

DOSAGES are from 400mcgs to 600mcgs daily admnistered via sc (sub-q) divided in 2 to 3 injections.

GHRP-6 will have this effects on you:

Increase natural production of GH
Increase in energy
Increase in sense of well being
Better deeper sleep
MILD increase of appetite
Aid in the healing of joints and tendons

Based on the above we can safely state that GHRP-6 :

Is best if used after a GH CYCLE since it WILL restore natural GH levels naturally back to normal.

It can be used after an IGF-1 cycle since it WILL also increase IGF-1 levels naturally back to normal.

It can be stacked with a low dose GH for an "enhancing" GH effect and to counteract one of the most commonly undesired side effects ( on some individuals/users ) from GH administration: fatigue.


After strenous physical exercise our bodies will naturally release IGF-1 which in turn is spliced off into 3 spliced variant isoforms:


Each of these has its own specific functions but let's talk about the last one IGF-IEc AKA Muscle or Mechano Growth Factor ( MGF ) :

MGF proliferates cells in their mononucleated states (muscle stem cells), which is an important piece of the recovery puzzle since without these new stem cells there can be no new growth. This is seen in people with muscular dystrophy and although their bodies still produce IGF-1, their muscles do not exhibit MGF expression, showing the importance for MGF in recovering damaged muscles. Although MGF does proliferate these new stem cells as well as increase protein synthesis to a slight degree, MGF also inhibits differentiation in muscle cells (differentiation can be defined as: myoblast alignment, elongation, and fusion into multinucleate myotubes, basically giving them a new identity). IGF-1Ea completes the repairs by drastically increasing protein synthesis and differentiating these newly brought stem cells.

Dosages are from 100mcgs to 200mcgs per muscle daily either 6 to 12 hours prior to a work out or within 45 minutes after a work out injected IM into the muscles that has been chosen to improved or just exercised.

Inject only on work out days , no need to inject when your muscles fibers have not been damaged.

Administer MGF on same muscle for no longer than 2 weeks then take a break for the same amount of time and start again. There are differen ways to cycle/use MGF it all depends on your preferance and your budget. I think is best to tale it slow and focus on no more than 2 muscle groups per cycle this way it would be more cost effective instead of adminsitering in 5 muscle groups therfore requiring somewhere around 1mg daily!

MGF administration is exclusively for localized muscle growth for those wishing to improve lagging bodyparts.

Is best to stack MGF with IGF and inject it sub-q for a general systemic effect within 45 minutes after a workout.

Also, injecting MGF helps by "extending" the anabolic action induced by natural MGF released spliced off from natural ocurring IGF-q after a workout this way the adminsitration of exogenous MGF will duplicate satellite cell activation ( the signaling to repair damage fibers and grow new cells AKA Hyperplasia ) and also "delaying" Myostatin gene expression which naturally regulates/stops/limits this proccess. One could say MGF is the next best thing after a Myostatin inhibitor.

Another proper application of MGF would prior to a competition 2 to 4 weeks to improve hardness, fullness with no added water or side effects.

other effects are:

hardness of muscles
fullness of muscles
long lasting pumps
increase of strength
increase of stamina

There is much to learn yet about this wonderful and still in its "research stage" peptide and I am confident with time most will learn on how to properly use it and will also appreciate it more.




Trusted Member
would mgf be something that can be taken precontest alone. and what about mixing it with igf precontest. reading a lot about it but not to much out there


Super Moderator
Mechano growth factor stands for (MGF) has been found to be up-regulated by exercise or muscle damage. It has been going back and forth some claim it works the same as IGF-LR3. Yes from my understanding it could be used for pre-contest, I am not sure about MGF but I could speak for IGf-LR3 in pre-contest I would run IGF-LR3 no more then 6 weeks, your best bet is ask Carlito he is very knowledge when it comes down to this stuff,,,,