Heat Wave


Trusted Member
Hot as hell here too. I can't even walk from my car to the door without breaking a sweat. Humidity is the worst.


Trusted Member
Hot as hell here too. I can't even walk from my car to the door without breaking a sweat. Humidity is the worst.
yup!! rode my bicycle for 15-16 miles this morning and then mowed about 1/3 acre of my yard with a push mower (i'd give my left nut for a tractor at this point) and sweat my ass off. i just got out of a long cool shower and have my sorry old ass planted in front of a fan.


Trusted Member
i do landscaping in this hell heat.95-103 all day till 5-7p.m. mon-fri burns me the fuck out.i'm trying to eat any chance i get.i actually ate 2 enchilladas and a plate of onion rings as i was shitting last night.get it out,fill it back...