Griz-I got Entenmans Chocolate Doughnuts


Trusted Member
Griz-I got Entenmans Chocolate Doughnuts

Went to the outlet store...get this: 12 for 12 bucks!!! That's 12 packages of any Entenmans product for 12 bucks total!!!

I'm eating an entire package of the chocolate covered doughnuts right now...mmmm...8 doughnuts...


I could mail you some...:)


Man Whore Expert
Damn! You're going to be a fat bastard when you're done eating the other 11 boxes. LOL


Trusted Member
Damn! You're going to be a fat bastard when you're done eating the other 11 boxes. LOL
I am a fat bastard!! Someone told me big and bulky was "in." I jumped right on it!:)

You don't think I have Frank Cannon in my avy for nothing, do you? haha!



Trusted Member
I hope you choke on one of those damned doughnuts. Three more days.......................................................

Just kidding about choking. I hope you inhale a piece of it and you have a massive coughing fit. Bitch. :D


Trusted Member
I hope you choke on one of those damned doughnuts. Three more days.......................................................

Just kidding about choking. I hope you inhale a piece of it and you have a massive coughing fit. Bitch. :D
shaq after your show just dont go crazy and see all that hard work go in 2wks..............11


Man Whore Expert
I've found that, up until a show, you want to eat everything in the world; you dream about it, taste it, desire it. And, then, after the show, when you can actually eat all of that crap, all you can think is, "do you know WTF I had to do to look like this? Get that shit away from me!"


Trusted Member
I have a fear I will not be able to live my dream of chocolate and pizza this weekend. Last night I went to the store to buy some shit food for after the show. I picked up my all time favorite of Peanut Butter M&Ms and the first thing I did was look at the Nutrition Facts. I put them back. I then picked up a box of brownie mix and did the exact same thing. I left empty handed. I want food and want food bad but the trouble is just what you have mentioned. I've been going through this shit since I hung out with 11 in February (which seems like 10 light years ago already). To think I will shit eat all of this progress away in a few short days is beyond my grasp.

I would love to enjoy an entire box of Cocoa Pebbles with a half gallon of ice cold skim milk, however. Damn I love those little fuckers.
