Body building Deadlift!!!


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Body building Deadlift!!!

The body building deadlift exercise is done with a different deadlift technique than in power lifting. The proper way to perform the deadlift exercise is a body building secret that the pros like Ronnie Coleman know that makes all the difference in their development. The body building deadlift exercise is not done with the goal of lifting maximum weight. The goal is to stimulate muscle growth in the entire back, glutes and hamstrings, with emphasis on the spinal erectors. While most people agree that the squat is the best overall exercise for inducing muscle growth, the deadlift is a close second. If you want a thick, wide back with complete development like Jay Cutler, you must do the body building deadlift exercise.

The first thing to know is what the proper deadlift technique is. The starting position is to grasp the bar with your hands just outside of your legs. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, your feet on flat on the floor, your back is arched with your chest pushed out and shoulders pulled back. Look at the deadlift picture below to see what I mean.

Take a big breath and hold it while you push your feet into the ground and maintain your upright back position while you pull the bar up past your knees. When you reach that point, pull your shoulders up and back and thrust your hips forward until you are standing upright with your shoulders, hips and knees in line. That is the completion of the deadlift. Hold that position for a second and then lower the bar back to the floor under control. Many power lifters let the bar drop back to the platform while hanging on to the bar, to save on energy, but we are performing the body building deadlift exercise to maximize muscle growth, not to lift maximum poundage.

Now that you understand the deadlift technique, it is time to talk about the sets and repetitions. One of the things that will differentiate the body building deadlift from the powerlifting deadlift is the number of repetitions that we do. I want you to perform sets of 12 repetitions done in a controlled manner, with only 2 minutes of rest between sets. The reason for this is to do a significant volume of work in a relatively short period of time. The body building deadlift uses a huge amount of muscle to perform the lift properly, and when we use all of that muscle mass in such a demanding way, your body will be forced to respond with dramatic muscle gains right away if it wants to survive.
Do approximately 4 to 6 sets of 12 for your body building deadlift exercise program, if you can handle it. You can work your lats and traps afterward if you have the energy, but the deadlift is the most important part of this bodybuilding routine, so put most of your energy into doing it properly.
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Trusted Member
i'm just now putting deads back into my back routine. that is the one thing that put a lot of thickness onto my back. when i hurt my back i started doing them on the smith at the end of my work out but it wasnt the same