B12 in the states...?


New member
B12 in the states...?

Apparently i need a prescription for B12... in the states... Are you serious? its just a vitamin...

the 1ml is 9 bucks but the 30ml is $6.68 which is awesome but are they just saying that over the phone? since when? that actually sounds ridiculous. Anyone else find this annoying? 7 bucks + no shipping charge seems way sexier than 20ml for 20-40 bucks plus shipping from vets.

Anyone know US law for this stuff? or you have any issues buying it?


The oral form doesn't work as well. Absorption is markedly less. For people with blood work issues that's why you need the IM (intramuscular) form. If you need this then your doctor should have no problem writing you a script for it. The use is very common.