arimidex and pregnant?


arimidex and pregnant?

so i talked to a buddy of mine on the phone tonight and he said he finally got his wife pregs.

i said, wow, you are proof that someone who has been on aas for a very long time can still have kids

i said, what was it, was it the clomid/hcg?

he said, no, surprising enough, it was the arimidex. he takes 1mgs of arimidex a day. he even asked his doc too, i thought arimidex was for anti-estrogen? his doc said yes and its used to help down there too

have any of you guys heard of this? i have never heard of dex helping with bringing the soldiers back:confused:


New member
Well what SERMS do is block estrogen in select places to stimulate the HPTA, arimidex simply blocks all estrogen (though through the aromatase enzyme). Arimidex has the same effect on the HPTA, and from your friends results it seems it is stronger at this than I thought.