

Trusted Member

Water intake.........guys i do about a gallon a day, when i start the cycle should i increase water because i will add lbs


Super Moderator
Water intake.........guys i do about a gallon a day, when i start the cycle should i increase water because i will add lbs
Yes I would increase water intake (Not counting soft drinks) Almost 60% of your body is comprised of water. In the course of a day, our body depletes itself of water through urine, sweat, and normal cellular activity. Lack of adequate water slows down our metabolism and interferes with healing, toxin removal, removal of old cells and replacement with new tissue. Therefore, drinking plenty of water is an important part of both daily life and toxic cleansing.


Im curious as well what cycle you plan on running bro.
Post your cycle in the proper forum and we can assist you.

lmk if you need a hand along the way.


Trusted Member
TEST 10-12 weeks: 500mg split 250mg and 250mg.....planning on starting in October
Good first cycle...keep it simple, see what results you get, and add more down the road if you want. Although 500 ew isn't an excessive amount, def have your pct stuff just in case...before you start. Just ask if you need imput on this.


Trusted Member
I should get very good gains, i have been a natural for a long time.......i will post some show pictures.....