Morning Cardio Vs. Non-morning Cardio


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Morning Cardio Vs. Non-morning Cardio

Article by Gregg Avedon

What’s the proper way of doing cardio training, especially for a weightlifter not wanting to shed too much weight or lose muscle? The best time to jump on that elliptical trainer, treadmill, bike, step-mill, or hitting the pavement to do an outdoor jog, is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This makes sense because you’re doing cardio without any insulin fluctuation or spike, your glycogen stores are fairly empty from fasting over the last eight hours in the rack (or more), and ultimately this means that your body will be drawing a high percentage of its energy from fat stores. All of this is bound to set the stage for optimum fat burning potential!

Now I don’t know about you, but I’m not one of those guys who enjoy getting up first thing in the morning to put myself through a grueling cardio session without a morsel of food in my gut. For those of you who can, I give you all the credit in the world. I’m not saying that I couldn’t train first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, I’m just saying that I’d prefer not to!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always felt better eating a decent sized meal about 45 minutes before training with weights (not cardio). This might not be in alignment with conventional thinking, but it feels right for me on a personal level. I feel like I can lift more weight and I even feel bigger in the gym! I bet if you asked ten muscleheads in the gym what they prefer, nine would feel the same way! With that said, let me get back to the subject at hand – cardio. I’ve said my piece in regards to early morning training on an empty stomach, and in contrast I also wouldn’t be against cycling on and off a workout program of morning cardio to get the most out of my training.


The main reason for doing cardiovascular training first thing in the morning is simply to target fat with the potential to burn it. The theory behind this concept revolves around glycogen stores, depleting them, and your body's ability to switch to another source of usable energy – fat stores. We store glycogen in our muscle cells and liver. This is the gas tank for our body. Within our blood stream we’ve got a certain amount of glucose (sugar) floating around for quick usable energy. That amount of blood glucose at any given time is no more than 4 grams (about a teaspoon). As it's used up, it’s continuously fed from your glycogen stores. The goal is to time your cardio training when the gas tank is close to empty!

Keep in mind that the larger our muscles, the more capacity for glycogen storage, the fuller your muscles will look (glycogen is stored with water), thus the longer it takes for your body to deplete these stores. The average time it might take to blow through your glycogen is about two hours with moderate physical exercise. It would make sense then that this number could be shaved down substantially through higher intense physical activity such as interval training cardio. Fifty-yard wind sprints or cycling in a spin class are perfect examples of ways to deplete glycogen stores in a hurry!

Blowing through your glycogen stores in two hours or less is a concept you can happily throw out the window when you consider doing morning cardio on an empty stomach. Essentially you’re heading out of the starting gate with your body primed and ready to target fat cells. While insulin is the hormone responsible for storing usable energy (primarily released when consuming carbohydrates), the diametric hormone would be glucagon. Glucagon is released when insulin is low, like when you consume a high-protein low-carb meal. In fact, protein stimulates the release of glucagon. This hormone helps liberate fat as usable energy (the opposite of insulin, which helps store fat). Along with glucagon, epinephrine is another fat liberating hormone that’s released through high intensity exercise or during a stressful situation. Unfortunately carbs also blunt the release of this hormone, thus taking us out of that fat burning zone.


So what’s the right amount of cardio in a given session? I often see people drudging along on those elliptical trainers for more than an hour at a clip. Usually they’re watching the television and sweating their asses off as the smell from last nights dinner permeates over to where I’m trying to do my cardio workout – yuck! As a weightlifter / bodybuilder, I believe it’s important not to do too much cardio training in one session. More than 30 minutes and you can start to compromise muscle, but less than 20 minutes and you’re not giving your body an opportunity to target fat stores.

Again, let’s talk about the morning cardio session. Say you’ve woken up, stumbled into the gym without any food whatsoever, and your body is primed to target fat stores because you’ve done nothing to cause an insulin response. In fact, higher levels of glucagon should be present, thus causing this shift toward fat burning as fuel. All of this sounds great, but my concern turns to energy levels. How are your sustained energy levels going to be to maintain the level of performance you’ll need to complete a solid 20 minute cardio session? I know I’d be feeling more tired from lack of nutrition than from the actual cardio! The good news is that we adapt very quickly as human beings.

John Ivy, Ph.D. and Robert Portman, Ph.D. are the co-authors of books like Nutrient Timing, The Nutrient Timing System, and The Performance Zone. They state: “Do not cut back on nutritional supplementation. This will not help you lose fat. If anything, it will do the opposite. By fueling your exercise properly, you will be able to perform at higher levels for longer periods and burn more calories. By fueling your recovery properly, you will put calories to their best anabolic use.” So my take is that you should have some fuel in your system to maintain a certain level of intensity, thus setting up a more successful afterburn effect. Aerobic training, if done with proper intensity and duration can cause a rise in metabolism that will last for more than an hour after you finish training (afterburn). Personally, I can feel this afterburn affect for as long as 2 or 3 hours post-cardio depending on how intense I go. I believe this can be achieved in a 20 to 30 minute interval training cardio session. NOTE: Weightlifting can give you an afterburn effect of up to 48 hours due to muscle synthesis and repair!



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Muscle burns fat – that’s the good news! Doing marathon cardio workouts can cause a catabolic effect. In other words, cardio sessions longer than an hour can cause muscle wasting, which can ruin the possibility for optimum caloric burning potential through muscle development. Now don’t go out in the streets and celebrate because you’ve got muscles and don’t have to do cardio anymore! And don’t camp out at your favorite all-you-can-eat restaurant either because your muscle mass allows you to burn more daily calories (50 cals per day for every lb. of muscle). Balance is very important, between your diet, your cardio, and your workouts. Just because muscle requires more calories to function throughout the day and during your training sessions, it doesn’t give you the green light to eat like a careless animal either! It’s still important to watch what you’re eating if you want to be lean. Let me just say that with all this talk about cardio training and fat burning potential, you’re creating a fat burning machine each and every time you hit the steel. Yea baby!

I’ll be honest, there’s times when I’ll stay away from cardio all together just to add a little weight, but I don’t maintain this non-cardio training for longer than two weeks at a clip, and only lay off the cardio about twice a year. Keep in mind that I always train with hardcore intensity levels and often fight to catch my breath during my workouts. This means that I’m still getting my heart rate elevated and working.


What’s the best alternative for targeting fat stores if you don’t want to train first thing in the morning on an empty stomach? It’s simple – make sure to eat a more protein based meal two hours before cardio training. If you want to eat any carbs, stick to those that are lower glycemically, containing more fiber, and those which cause as little insulin response as possible. Raw or lightly steamed veggies well masticated (chewed) are a great choice along with a protein source like grilled chicken, poached fish, or low sodium turkey. Also, hydrating post-meal with room temperature water is a must to help facilitate gastric emptying time (digestion). After those two hours go by, your body might be primed for another meal, and since you’re heading to the gym to do cardio, a handful of unsalted nuts are the perfect snack choice. Now you’re ready to hit it hard for optimum fat burning potential!

Another option is to train post-workout, because you’re blowing through those glycogen stores before hitting the cardio room. I’ve tried this, and while I can see the benefits, it leaves me with zero energy for cardio because of the intensity of my workout. This is when a good electrolyte drink might come in handy, sipping between post-workout and pre-cardio. Consume half, then continue to sip the remainder of the bottle throughout your cardio session.


I like to do 20 to 30 minutes of interval cardio training, with my heart rate pumping at about 75 to 80% of its max for 2 to 3 minutes before pulling back and allowing it to come back down for another couple minutes. Most every modern piece of cardio equipment in the gym has an interval program available for you to choose, so this makes it easy. In a 20 to 30 minute cardio workout I’ll end up doing about 4 to 6 interval peaks and valleys. If you push yourself, you’ll reap the benefits within this relatively short span of time dedicated to your heart health and body composition!


I prefer my cardio during the morning on an empty stomach, I then wait about 1-1.5 hours before I eat. Gets your metabolism running in high gear and ready to burn some fat.


Trusted Member
when i was cutting down i would do a session of cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. got on the treadmill put the incline all the way up and would do a fast walk for 45 minutes. than at night do 30 minutes after weights


Trusted Member
Ideally, I'd do it first thing in the morning, but I just don't have the motivation to do it when I have to work at 8am...usually, it ends up being around 5-6pm.