Anyone relate?


Trusted Member
Anyone relate?

As many know, I've been with this chickie for the last 7 months. For some reason, I have been kicking, elbowing, kneeing her while we sleep. It's to the point where she can't get a good nights sleep because of it (I sleep like a baby and don't even know I'm doing it). I've live with other wife I was with for 6-7 years. NEVER have I done this shit before. I have been talking with my ex on occasion (I'm an idiot) and she has said that I had never done that to her before. Shit, we have a king size bed and I still manage to do this shit?

Anyone else have this problem? It was humorous to me at first but she really doesn't enjoy sleeping with me because she knows what is in store for her.


Trusted Member
As many know, I've been with this chickie for the last 7 months. For some reason, I have been kicking, elbowing, kneeing her while we sleep. It's to the point where she can't get a good nights sleep because of it (I sleep like a baby and don't even know I'm doing it). I've live with other wife I was with for 6-7 years. NEVER have I done this shit before. I have been talking with my ex on occasion (I'm an idiot) and she has said that I had never done that to her before. Shit, we have a king size bed and I still manage to do this shit?

Anyone else have this problem? It was humorous to me at first but she really doesn't enjoy sleeping with me because she knows what is in store for her.
Hmmmmmm, bad thoughts while dreaming?


Trusted Member
Your Body Is Still Not Ready For Bed.

I Did This For A While As Well. Mostly The Jumping And Movement Of The Legs.


Trusted Member
I haven't slept with my old lady for 20 years. Got my own double bed, my own room decorated with all my BB trophies, contest photo's AND Sarah Michelle Gellars blue jeans.

I can fart all night if I want and no one can stop me.....

Wouldn't have it any other way.
