very weird


very weird

ok, a friend of mine who recently started lifting again, looking to compete again, started back up in the gym like a week ago.

i asked him how long has it been and he said at least 1.5 years since hes touched a weight. he understood that he had to start slow, but apparently, even going very light he over did it

he was admitted into the hospital on friday and was released today. they gave him 7 bags of IV's and said his creatine levels were so high that it caused the kidneys to shut down? he said he wasnt quit sure about everything but they said it was due to working out so hard.

friday he went in because he said his pee looked like diet coke, and he was very very sore from working out, but to be in the hospital he didnt think so, but he went in anyways becuase of his colored pee

now have you guys ever heard of anything like this before? working out so hard your kidneys shut down and creatine levels are so high its dangerous?

could this happen if you dont drink enough water while you work out too? i dont drink a lot of water when i work out so i am going to start if this can happen! :eek:

let me get your opinions on this


New member
You shold take this to the "ask the doctor " forum. You will probably get a more educated answer then you will here.


Trusted Member
You shold take this to the "ask the doctor " forum. You will probably get a more educated answer then you will here.
I agree.

Pee looking like diet coke is bad news, something going wrong there. I'm guessing he had something starting to go wrong and possibly going to the gym exacerbated his condition. Just a wild guess tho, sounds crazy.


sorry bout that staff, forgot about the ask the doc forum

posted this on several other boards, got some mixed replies, but concensus is that this is very odd indeed. caused by 'going to hard' on the weights? :confused:


Trusted Member
he had to have something wrong with him in the first place. and the lifting weights triggerd it off. I would like to hear what the doc thinks about it. Also keep us posted on whats going on, thanks


This is unusual but not unheard of. I would need to know the duration of his workout and his overall health, age and previous AS use. This happens to marathon runners once in a while but we are talking about a marathon. The way you described it is possible but unlikely.