Urinating Problem


New member
Urinating Problem

Hey doc. When I go to the bathroom I never feel quite done emptying the bladder. I feel like there is always a little left. I stand there for like 5 min or so and then I feel done. It doesn't hurt at all, but I feel like I have to go alot more often. It seems as if its only when I was taking an oral AAS. Now, that I'm not taking anything I feel back to normal for the most part. But if I were to try again and take an oral AAS it would come back for approximately 24 hours. Normal for me is a little bit longer than most anyways. What could be the causes? I was thinking prostate? Kidney? Bladder? Any other possibilities? Does this mean that these are off-limits for me?? My health is first, so if never running them (AAS) is the solution and part of the answer, then thats what I will do.

I started taking saw palmetto and prostate health with all the herbs and minerals to aid in a healthy prostate. I also started taking cranberry extract for a healthy urinary tract. I've always taken milk thistle and liv-52 for my liver, and started 2 weeks ago taking N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC).

Thanks in advance


New member
Go to the Urologist for the ole finger in the ass. They will also do a scan of your bladder to see how much urine your retaining. It could be Prostatitis / Prostate infection, Bladder Infection or just Urgency. If its urgency they will give you something like Detrol, FlowMax etc. the other stuff they will give you antibiotics plus the other. I'm not a doc but I've been through the same thing and have had Prostatitis a couple of times. If its your prostate you can soak in hot baths for 20-30 minutes everyday and take 600mg of Advil 3x daily to decrease the inflammation. Ultimately you should see a Urologist.


This is a prostate problem most likely due to the symptoms when on your cycle. As you are well aware prostate is sensitive to AAS an therefore your symptoms make perfect sense. The cranberry juice is only good for urinary tract infections (UTI) so its not going to do much for you. Your description speaks against a UTI. If I were you I would lay off all anabolics. You are running the risk of prostate problems later on in life. It's not worth it. I would certainly see a urologist to get a baseline exam and blood work. This is more concerning if you are over 40. In this situation there's no room for leaving things to chance. Get checked out.
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