

Trusted Member
was wondering what you guys do for traps. or recommend.

i currently do 4 sets of db shrugs on shoulder day. and i will hit them again lightly 2-3 sets on chest day.and thats it.

You have to go heavy..period!!! My traps have always been my lagging body part for years until I made an concerted effort to improve them. I've always done them on shoulder day. I'd train shoulders first, then I would do 4-5 sets of heavy barbell shrugs with straps. I feel free weights are the best most of the time for this. I would go heavy right away (usually no need to warm up)....405x2 for 8-10 reps then 455x3..6-8 reps using good form. I'm some what stuck at this weight since I'm recovering from a herniated disc....always go heavy when you can.

I would mix it up a bit depending how I felt on that day...example just 405x5 for 8-10 reps.
I'd then finish off with 3 sets of upright rows. If I feel I'm not strong on that day...I'd do the upright rows first to preexhaust then I could go a little lighter on the shrugs. Always need to change it up...but keep the heavy barbell shrugs as a base.

My traps really began to come up only after one year of doing this. Then three years ago I added 3 sets of neck exercises on a Hammer Strength neck machine. Doing one each of forward, back, right side and left for 3 sets. This brought out my traps even more. I never worked my neck specifically in all the 20+ years of training....but it helped greatly...I would recommend to anyone.

...and just last year I had two separate people at my gym come up to me randomly and ask me on how do you get your traps like's gone from my most lagging body part to one of the better ones....go figure.

Remember...heavy barbell shrugs consistently week to week with good form are worked for me anyway.
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Trusted Member
Similar to what I have been doing....Instead of seated I have been doing standing DB shrugs, also with my chin in my chest....something I learned from Dorian.
Here is what I do for traps and its hardly ever heavy weight... I do deadlift however so that is heavy resistance on the traps. But I do this for traps and I GUARANTEE you will feel it.

These are to be supersetted for 4 sets

Smith Shrugs- 315#
4 sets to failure (usually 15-20 reps)

Seated DB shrugs- 80lb DB (Bent forward slightly with head down focusing on the downward movement stretch.
4 sets to failure (usually 20-25 reps)

Do this with little to no rest in between and I that kills them and my traps have grown tremendously. Give it a try as well as deads and your traps will grow to your ears :)


Trusted Member
Here is what I do for traps and its hardly ever heavy weight... I do deadlift however so that is heavy resistance on the traps. But I do this for traps and I GUARANTEE you will feel it.

These are to be supersetted for 4 sets

Smith Shrugs- 315#
4 sets to failure (usually 15-20 reps)

Seated DB shrugs- 80lb DB (Bent forward slightly with head down focusing on the downward movement stretch.
4 sets to failure (usually 20-25 reps)

Do this with little to no rest in between and I that kills them and my traps have grown tremendously. Give it a try as well as deads and your traps will grow to your ears :)
I agree that seated DB shrugs seems to hit the traps a whole lot better.


Trusted Member
I also do traps on shoulder day. I start out with BB shrug 315 x 10 then pyrmid up 405x10, 495x8, 585x4-6 then DB shrugs 3 sets 150x15. The begining of this year one of my goals was to bring up my traps, I thing the BB shugs did it,because all I use to do was DB shrugs 4sets 100x10.



I also like db shrugs, but now i cant do them because of my weak hand, so i been using the shrug machine with a wide grip and normal grip, this machine works great. I go 2 plates 4-6-8 I think 8 is like 700 lbs, not sure but I know it feels like it. I also like this machine because there is no way you can shrug 700lbs with a regular strait bar as easy as you can on this machine, so it really helps you focus on the traps only. I do shrugs on shoulders day as well, unless I am doing bench shoulder, then i do traps as well. This is how my trap work out goes.
4 sets machine shrugs
3 sets farmers walk db
3 sets of machine that also goes as a fly machine, not sure what ya call them but you sit in it and your arms are strait in front of you and then you pull your arms back to out at your sides not bending them at all, works the middle of the trap and back of shoulders.


Super Moderator
My traps workout,,,,
1 set straight bar 12x315 follow with db 75lb failure
1 set straight bar 10x405 follow with db 75lb failure
1 set straight bar 8x495 follow with db 75lb for 10
Make sure you pause per rep take your time,,,,,,


Trusted Member
ya I noticed for me if I squeese at the top for a split second it makes all the difference in the world.


New member
I do traps on shoulder days. I start with seated shrugs machine, warm uo with 1 45 plate each side and do up to 4 plates each side. I then stand up and I face the shrug machine and start with 4 plates work up to 7 plates. I then go to straight bar shrugs to the front and then from the rear. Start with 2 plates work up to 5 plates. I then do straight bar upright rows start with quarters end with 45 and quarters on each side. then Im cooked im done. I go heavy as I can at the end.