Preacher's DC training log


Trusted Member
Preacher's DC training log

Ok I started DC training yesterday, I know this form of training is probably outdated but I love trying new routines.

Monday June 11/07
Chest - Flat Bench Press (rp) 1 static Then extreme stretching.
Shoulders - Military Press (rp) static, extreme stretching
Tricept - Skull Crushers (rp) extreme stretching
Back Width - JS Rows (rp) static
Back Thick - Dead lifts, Static, extreme stretching

Fuck was I tired that rest pause really tears into ya. I think I found the stretching and the static rep the hardest parts. I was not able to reach 30 seconds on any static rep and felt like I was going to cry when stretching......

I hope others have tried this and chime in..... My fav is the 20 sec rest pause (about 12 deep breaths for me)



New member
hey preacher... this is going to be a great log... you are correct about the stretching being brutal, but it really makes my body and joints feel good...



Trusted Member
Day 2

Wednesday June 13
Well today didn't seem as intense:

Bicepts - BB curls (RP) This hurt like a mother fucker. The static rep just killed me...
Forearms - Palms down barbel wrist curls over bench
then stretched the bicept, this felt good for the first 10 seconds then hurt.
Calves - (20 sec neg set) BB seats calve raises
Hamstrings - (RP) Ham curls
Quads - Quad extentions.
Stretched all 3, i really need to stretch more.......

This workout was not as intense at all it almost seemed easy with the one rep and not doing RP I really feel like I want to do more....... oh well we will see.....


New member
Wednesday June 13
Well today didn't seem as intense:

Bicepts - BB curls (RP) This hurt like a mother fucker. The static rep just killed me...
Forearms - Palms down barbel wrist curls over bench
then stretched the bicept, this felt good for the first 10 seconds then hurt.
Calves - (20 sec neg set) BB seats calve raises
Hamstrings - (RP) Ham curls
Quads - Quad extentions.
Stretched all 3, i really need to stretch more.......

This workout was not as intense at all it almost seemed easy with the one rep and not doing RP I really feel like I want to do more....... oh well we will see.....
hey preacher...
i have the same problem... i feel like i need to do more... i am so use to doing way to much and over training... :( ... so i am sure tht i am on the correct path... :D