Optical Migraine


Trusted Member
Optical Migraine

Hi Doctor-

For the past two (2) days, I've experienced an optical migriane in my right eye. It's the classic zig-zag, crescent shape that occoludes about 25% of the vision in that eye. Both have been about 1/2 hour in duration. The both happened about one (1) hour after working out. No pain whatsoever and they never developed into a classic migraine...just went away with no ill after-effects. My BP is controlled with 20 mg enalapril once in the morning and once before bed. my habits have not changed...daily routine is constant. However, i have felt "tired" the past few days, like tired for no good reason.

Oh yeah, I'm on 175 mg test 2x per week and 5 mg t-bol ED...just very light dosages to help in facilitating fat loss and to get good pumps.

Do you have any thoughts on my condition? Should I f/u with an Optometrist or my Internest, Neurologist, etc...? Everything I've read on them lead me to think that they are fairly benign.

Thank you,



Trusted Member
Currently, experiencing another one. Rt. eye, no pain, difficulty reading the comp. screen. Didn't happen after working out...just woke up a bit ago, threw some hamburgers on the grill.



Trusted Member
Again, experiencing another one. Rt. eye, no pain, difficulty reading the comp. screen. Didn't happen after working out...just woke up a bit ago, ate some eggs and toast and hopped on the computer.

EDIT - 2:30 pm today. I'm driving and suddenly I notice thatI'm having trouble reading signs and license plates. Nothing like to a dangerous degree where i might wreck the car and hurt someone, just about 25% of my vision in my LT eye was onbliterated. Not a dark spot, but rather like looking through a glass of water. I got to where I was going, and got in the store and one of the worst optical migraines happened (still) in my Lt. eye. I lost art least 50% of the vision. The Zig-Zag crescent was huge and in plain sight. I almost knocked over an old lady as I turned to my Lt. because my peripheral vision was obliterated (like looking through water again). By 3:00 pm, it had all cleared up and my vision both eyes and binocular were perfect and crisp. No pain, no headache, no nothing...like it never happened.

Damn, maybe I should just go to an opthomologist and get checked...I thought this would all pass, but it seems to be getting worse.

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