MU(the pimp)


Active member
MU(the pimp)

what doses of valerian root do you recommend before bed? and where do you usually get it? gnc, online?

i had the hardest time sleeping last night.



Trusted Member
Actually I do not take it any longer as I'm super sensitive to anything that causes one to fall asleep. The whole next day I have trouble waking up. However 300-600mgs per night is standard. I was ok @300mgs per night, but 600mgs whipped my ass....However am a pussy. :)


Active member

i am one of those guys that are sensitive also. i usually have hang-overs from stuff like this.

but i figured it was natural and herbal and would give it a try


Trusted Member
Dred I bought some tea at my health food store called Kava tea. stuff works great, another one is sleepy time but I like the kava better, plus you have no hangover..............11


Trusted Member
Valerian root is the key ingredient to the drug valium and works rather well with sleep problems and stress IMO.


I see a lot of mistakes and a lot of misinformed people in this thread.

First, do ya'll understand the concept of the Name Nrand of a drug VS the Generic of a drug?? I mean this is basic Pharmacology 101, I am surprised they didn't teach you this when when you took Pharmacology in undergraduate or Grad school.

The name brand of a drug is licensed solely to the inventor of that particular drug. For example, Roche invented Valium, the name brand, and as such, for the first 7 years of its existence, Roche was granted sole autonomy to manufacture Valium. There legally could be no manufacture of a generic for the first 7 years. With this patent, it was illegal for any manufacturer to make a generic for valium for these first 7 years, because the patent lasts for 7 years. After this 7 year patent expires, then the original manufacturer (Roche) no longer has sole autonomy to produce this drug, and any number of manufacturers (usually several different manufacturers) may produce a near-identical Generic form.

For this particular drug, the Name Brand is Valium, and the only manufacturer licensed to make it is Roche. There are a number of different manufacturers of Diazepam, the Generic form of Valium. Valium and Diazepam are identical with the sole exception of 1 or 2 different molecules in the molecular structure/formula. If you looked at the chemical architecture of Valium and Diazepam, you'd find the 2 molecules are 99% identical, there is only a very minute difference in the two.

So, again, Diazepam (The Generic) and Valium (the name brand made by Roche) are essentially one and the same. Cliically, you will not find a difference in the efficacy of the Generic vs the name brand.

DDDDDAAAAAMMMMMNNNNN I cannot wait to go to Pharmacy School to get my Pharm D. It's going to be a difficult 4 years, but it's going to be worth it. As a pharmacist, I will have outstanding job security. I will always have a job, I will never be out of a job. It's going to be really cool, and I am looking forward to it.:) I 'll be able to support my future family quite well. Buy my (future) wife a nice car and a nice home, live in a safe neighborhood, put my kids through 4 years at Texas A&M :) . I cannot wait.