Knot in my Quad


Trusted Member
Knot in my Quad

Fucking wierd. Its not swolen or hot, the knot it under the skin; if that makes any sense? You cant see it looking at my leg, just buy touching it. Anyways, its been over a week since I injected. 2.5cc Test E.

The problem is its painful as fuck, like a nerve or something. The pain is all the way into my knee. I dont know if the knot is putting pressure on a nerve or what? I cant do cardio and painful when I walk.

Anyone else ever experince something like this?



I got one in my left triceps right now, from 2cc of test-e as well. My knot is the same not hot now deep down but at the top but mine keeps going to different parts of my arm hurts like a bitch and a half. No clue why its travailing must just be oil in between the muscle or something and cant absorb.


Super Moderator
I have question for both of you and I hope I not offending anyone ,,

A.K: doing 2cc in a small muscle part is not an appropriate way to do it. I have mentioned this issue before they should be no more then 1cc per small muscle part.

GODSON: If you are looking to insert 2.5cc, Test E in large muscle I personally would chose 1.5-inch gauge that at least will minimize knot issues the deeper the better especially with a large amount cc..


Trusted Member
Sometimes esp in the quad area right after injecting there will be a lump or knot forming.
What has worked for me in the past is to immediately take the heel of your palm and start working it, hard!
Godson this late past the injection I dont know if it would help. You may try to soften the area w/a very hot compress and then try to work it out w/your hands. Better yet if it hurts have someone else do it cuz they wont hold back when it hurts like you would if your were doing it.
Just thought. Good luck.


Trusted Member
I have question for both of you and I hope I not offending anyone ,,

A.K: doing 2cc in a small muscle part is not an appropriate way to do it. I have mentioned this issue before they should be no more then 1cc per small muscle part.

GODSON: If you are looking to insert 2.5cc, Test E in large muscle I personally would chose 1.5-inch gauge that at least will minimize knot issues the deeper the better especially with a large amount cc..
I agree whole heartedly on the second part of this....the deeper the better per a large muscle for such an amount of CC's....I would do ass or outside thigh with atleast 1.5" as FREAKY smaller, and make sure the nose of the pin is fully touching the skin and pushing in a bit!!



I did not inject it into the small of the triceps and i do this shot many times, this one for some reason hurts and is doing the same thing his is. its just strange is all, Its now up next to my biceps/triceps line very weired. My other arm is fine and i put in the same stuff same area same depth 1 1/2 inch. I think the stuff is trapped in some thing it cant go into and is moving around trying to escape, thats my guess, this is the first time i have ever had anything like this. But it was in now way injected into a small muscle.


use a very hot heatpad/compress at night on it. maybe even try and keep it on when you sleep. this worked for me in the past.


I have

I have done all that stuff, I even did it right after my injection as I always do 5 minutes heat then 5 minutes massaging the area, I am still massaging it with heat ed but its just a fucked shot got to get one once in a while this is my first one, but its not to bad the more i lift the better it seems to feels. Its now up on my top of the biceps area and shoulder line and not hurting to bad now I think ti found a spot to go into, talk about a time released shot LOL.


Trusted Member
No shit. I used a 1.5g as well into my quad, just like I do every M and Thurs.

Its not getting any better, been 10 days now. Knot is still there and the pain is going from my quad into my knee. Can hardly sleep at night now? Shit sucks, big time


Trusted Member
No shit. I used a 1.5g as well into my quad, just like I do every M and Thurs.

Its not getting any better, been 10 days now. Knot is still there and the pain is going from my quad into my knee. Can hardly sleep at night now? Shit sucks, big time
Does it feel hot to the touch? Is it "redder" than the rest of your quad? Do you have a fever?

The same thing happened to friend of mine with the knee thing. Started in his quad for a few days then traveled down his leg to his knee. He ended up going to the doctor and getting it drained.


Trusted Member
Not red or hot. I tried to stick a pin in it yesterday to draw out any fluid. Came up empty. Im feeling fine, its actually getting a little better. I was able to sleep last night. Now, just hurts if im not moving around or sitting down for an extended period of time.


was it painful when u put the needle in or injected yourself or did it feel the same as usual?


Trusted Member
It was a little painful injecting, I flexed pretty hard when I was shoting in the leg. That never happened before. I slept with a heating pad all night wrapped around the leg and took some advil PM. Woke up and it was virtually gone. Today it got a little sore again in the afternoon. I did go to the gym last night and did some light cardio(walking, stationary bike) seemed to help aswell. I'll follow the same tonight and see how it feels tomorrow


Injection site pain

Sorry for the delay on the post but have been away and week back is always murder. Godson if this has been going on for more than a week and it is not getting better then you need medical attention. Causes of site injection are numerous. In relation to M FReaky's post it can be related directly to injection site volume and depth. To minimize pain inject into the deep dermis (pressure sensors are more near the surface) and with as little volume as needed. For specifics see M Freaky's post. If you have pain or a "knot" associated with redness beyond a reasonable time frame (5-7 days) then you need to be worried about cellulitis (infection of the skin) which can spread. Without pain or redness you can sit back and relax and just massage the area. In rarer cases toxins (ie. tetanus) can cause a neuropathic pain if proper sterile techniques are not utilized. If you have a fever you will need immediate medical attention regardless.