didnt want to hijack Toothpicks thread...



didnt want to hijack Toothpicks thread...

regarding his threesome...

i did the same shit with my girlfriend and this bangin polish chick we were both friends with a few years back... but we brought 6 pints of blood with us to the motel and covered each other in it before having one of the most intense fuckfests ever documented in history. no joke if we got it on videotape we'd be getting rich quick. when we left it looked like 3 people were murdered. the walls, the floor, the bathroom, the bed... everything was splattered with blood.

i used a fake name of course to pay and get a key.

and here's my pic to prove it...

this catastrophe took place at the Hollywood Motel, fully equipped with wall to wall mirrors... even on the ceiling too. shit is classy!

my girlfriend has the other 30 or so pics on a disk at her house. i'll try and talk her into letting it go... or some of it at least.


What the fuck happened in the Hotel bed? " Jesus Christ "

Im assuming it was fake or one of those Chics had her period!

If that was all NATURAL - fuck BodyBuilding & Become a porn star!!;)