Coming off and anxiety


New member
Coming off and anxiety


Is there a reason why I am experiencing anxiety/nervousness when I am coming off a cycle of eq/var/winny?? I know that the eq is out of my system so I do not think it is that. I finished with the winny yesterday and I will start the nolva today, but will that help?? Is there anything else that I should be doing? Thanks


Trusted Member
I'm not doc... buy I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.
chill out, eat like bull, train fierce... but not mucho HEAVY.... chill out (I like to say chill out).


It has to do with the chemical changes that are happening with your nervous system as you abruptly stop your cycle. When you are on cycle the environment of your brain cells is vastly different then when you are off. This is not a bad difference but the point is when you are changing this environment quickly your body can lead to an overcorrection and consequent anxiety. Slowly coming off your cycle (ie gradual taper of Winny etc.) would help. As you described coming off of one and starting another may help as well provided they are in the relatively same class. Not all people experience this so it may be a trial and error thing. If the anxiety persists or you feel suicidal (can happen!) get help immediately.


New member
you will get the hang of how to come off your cycles/
i am glad i keep mine short and does low to avoid things like this