

Trusted Member

Question for ya' guys....what's up with Abs? Do you guys' think that dieting right and keeping to a strict level of working out is enough, or do you all train your abs as hard as other muscles?

I have heard that abs will form as soon as dieting is right.


I have heard that you need to work the abs out 2-3 times a week just to have them start showing...

What's the deal? What's the news? Big papa's let me know ;)


Trusted Member
I sqeeze and tighten my abs on most workouts so that I don't have too... hope thats enough..... I figure we use are abs constantly and they develops no matter what. and the key to showing them is diet....

But as i have no abs, I maybe completly wrong........


You need a balanced fat burning Bodybuilding diet. " Abs are built in the kitchen". The truth is that no matter how many abd exer you do, or how many reps, if you do not follow a bodybuilding diet that puts stress on fat burning you will never get to see your abs at their best. Diet & cardio is key!

You need to diet strictly consisting of 40% carbs, 40% proteins, and 20% good fats works best for the purposes of dropping bf%. Avoid , dairy products and fruits, soda, and only drink water,the rest need to be eliminated not bc because they are not healthy, but due to the fact that the type of simple carbs contained in these foods may slow down fat loss. I nkow this!
Get off the lazy train and get your ass busy! Cardio is a must to start the fat burning process and burn some extra calories.Its best, imo 20-30 minutes, 3 times a week at a challenging pace will cetainly produce some results..If you can eat like a sloth w/ a slower metabolism, up it to up to 45 minutes 6-7 times a week.

An Ab Training Program that is performed at least 3 times a week. A good abdominal training routine serves to strengthen and tone the ab muscles giving them a firm and hard look once you are able to see them.

I train abdominals like any muscle and incorporate weight into the program eod...I train abs and calves eod, just a few legit sets for each!

This advice is nothing new, just my opinions from personal exp, and those Ive witnessed..I pretty much covered all this in a sticky, Im sure..:D


New member
that was a great read... i have figured out over the past few years that a great body is built in the kitchen... i worked out like an animal for years with a terrible nutrition program that lead me down a road to no where...

i finally realized that i needed to make a change and rededicated my self to nutrition and cardio a few years ago, and what a difference it made... i spend less time in the gym and more time in the kitchen, and i am finally starting to look like i work out...:D


Trusted Member
Well I do cardio 5 days a week - for 30-40 mins. So that's not the problem...I was just wondering what works the best!

What's the best exercises for stretch and harden these???


Trusted Member
Ive gave up on abs. Not because i cant get them its just next to imposible to syke yourself out for a ab workout. For example all other body parts i will have somekinda music blasting and get into a good workout mood.
For me it doesnt work like that for abs.:mad:

I didnt lift today and said well maybe i should TRY and work abs but when the time come i was like "Fuck that".

IDK maybe I should try smacking myself or take a big whif of ammonia to get into a good ab workout.:rolleyes: