191aa or 192aa HGH


Trusted Member
191aa or 192aa HGH

I have been readin up on the two different types, and there seems to be alot of reading on both.

Here's a site with info and some manufacturers of both 191 and 192 types(scroll down)- http://www.humangrowthhormone.me.uk/

My question is, since the 191 amino acid sequence is "the" actual HGH (identical to your naturally produced HGH), why do some folks prefer the 192 aa version? Are the advantadges to the 192 that you don't get with the 191, or is it cheaper? According to the above link, some people build a resistance to the 192 version, and negate the effects of the hormone.

I've heard alot of good reports about Fitropin which according to this site is a 192 sequence, so I'm just curious as to your opinions. In the end am I just overanalyzing and its all about the same or what?


Trusted Member
some have a reaction, hence the HGH rash...although I can't remember which one is the one that cause it.
Both cause bad sides for me, joint swelling really bad even a t low doses..my jaw and fingers will even pop out of joint. I stopped, its too expensive anyways.